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RE: Sick Of Seeing This Same Loading Screen Every Other Day From Steemt.Chat?!? Join One of Discords Steem Based Chats (Links Inside Post)

in #discord7 years ago

Seem s likes has a lot of cool features and even a wallet which can be backup way to access steem incase is ever down ... how could go down? Is it just a domain that redirects ? If busy.orc has its own chat that means that could also probably allow us to post streaming video links or other type of HTML and JavaScript and maybe multiplayer JavaScript baster flash games all inside of the steam it post just imagine what busy.Ord could allow us to do I mean yeah you would have to be signed in through busy.or two maybe access A twitch streaming or YouTube streaming video inside of a steam it post but honestly if busy.orc has a chat I need to be on that chat and helping it to be developed so that we can afford to fix the bugs because the future of steam it is going to be anywhere people can talk instantly just imagine A chat room where you can send steam with the click of a button or just imagine if you could put in steam upvote buttons onto non steam it webpages The way that people have those little Facebook like buttons that shows how many likes that the page has on Facebook just imagine when steam it has all the bells and whistles that other websites have. Do you think you could help me find out what is stopping us from having a live stream twitch video embedded into a Steve it posts? And also what is stopping us from having some sort of live show scrip help me find out what is stopping us from having a live stream twitch video embedded into a Steve it posts? And also what is stopping us from having some sort of live JavaScript inside of a steam it post like to play a multiplayer game or show a poker game just imagine if we could have a simple rule that game where you could type in how much steam or send steam to an account to gamble I guess that's what Randowhale is and I guess they do have a sort of gambling with steam it dice but I really want to see a type of MMORPG or even a MUDD text best gaming where people can enter a game with a little bit of money and play for keeps . My simple example for this is a simple game of Pong Play it over the Internet live and the user plays the other user for steam and I guess a simple workaround for this would be to host the pond game on a separate website that could take your posting key or master key and I guess you could start a game of pong or chess and send steam to a escrow or bookie or dealer who would then reward the winner and wait while I just figured out that we could play chess using just text and we could have a chess game where each side simply makes posts as comments and they could post an image of the chessboard and simply show their next move in an image that you post as a comment and then your opponent post another image showing their move and then it their next move in an image that you post as a comment and then your opponent post another image showing their move and then it keeps going on anon within a post as comments or you could even have each player post a steemit post showing their move with an image file or simply using the whole knight to E4 or Rook to D7 and honestly that's all you would need and you could play a fair game of chess back-and-forth and a loser would have to simply use the honor system to pay the winter or we just have it but automatically detect the winner and that but will just be named @chessbot and to steam it users will be over able to send chess bot each an equal amount of steam or steam dollars along with a special memo with a matching code and then make a post using that code in the title and reference chessbot tagging the chess robot account and activating it so it will see this post and start monitoring the different chess moves made by each user who will just simply make the chess moves in the comments the go back-and-forth and they won't be able to edit the comments or take back a move because each user will use an image of the whole chest port and just upload it and paste it and change the little pieces on the board inside Photoshop or MS paint they'll just literally move the peace and then re-upload the image with the updated positions of the chess pieces and so it will be there he easy to follow the game for an observer and as long as the two players both type in their moves along with the image then the chest bot can simply detect who wins the game of chess which should be very simple to program in. So I'm pretty sure I just thought up a way to create the very first steam it multiplayer game


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