Cristiano Ronaldo / Discover Your Body - Art Contest - #3 Knees

Hello to all artists and art lovers in Steemit.

This occasion is to present my entry to the contest hosted by @yoganarchista "Discovery Your Body" The theme of this week are Knees.


In this drawing I do not focus on doing as such the knees if not an example of the use of them, a reference.
I chose to draw Cristiano Ronaldo, since he is my favorite player, he uses my lucky number and apart he is an unbelievable and talented soccer player.
(My younger brother is going to kill me, he loves Messi)

chose this image also for its position, he is on his knees and it seemed a perfect reference for this Post.

The process:

To be honest, this is the first time I've done an illustration like this, I always work with realism, but this time it was different. It is to do this work with every detail and of a size that I do not always work with, very few times I have done full body illustrations and with such a pocicion.
So I had to make a template, or how we used the tattooists, "hectographic paper" which through a tracing we shaped the image on the skin. For this, I made a carbon copy on carbon paper to capture it on paper and thus have every detail, I did it this way because it was difficult for me to make the sketch, because of the size I'm not used to and it's hard for me to get its proportions well. (The size of the canvas is an A4 sheet).

Well, already with the template ready, I began by making the areas completely black (Pencil 6B) I love this pencil.
Why do I start with dark areas? Normally, it should not be so because the work gets dirty, but I use the brush a lot to generate volumes, shadows and gradients. The range of "B" pencils are from a very soft mine, that is why when drawing they mark darker, therefore, they leave a lot of residues. A powder of graphite that is what I use to work with the brush. By first doing the dark areas I'm guaranteeing that I will have that powder in the drawing and I will not have to wear myself doing everything else with pencil, I use those dark areas as oil in the palette.

Next to this I began to shade with pencil 2B, the drawing is very clear, the uniform is white so the shadows are not dark except for the deep areas, but they never become dark in their entirety, only to give effect of depths and relief.
I shaded the body, the hands and legs, but I denoted the knees, but in order not to disproportion the drawing, I made them very natural to how the player is seen. Although the subject is the knees, it also influences that everything else looks good in proportion. This gives a good impression of the reference.

Continue and then I show how I made your hair, these being super small I had to take a close-up picture and more or less show how I made them. Small dark strokes is one direction and another to match your hairstyle. (In this part my eyes could not stand the crying, I use correction lenses but I still did not see very well)

I finished adjusting some details, profiling and erasing all the remaining dirty and the result was this:

Sorry for the resolution of the photos, I made this drawing in the night and I really did not like the camera.

I hope you liked it! I enjoyed this drawing a lot, it was 4 hours and a half trying to make every detail in miniature :)
It was a new experience and now I want to continue doing jobs like this!

I want to thank @yoganarchista for their competitions, because, thanks to these helps me develop my skills!

Successes to all and we will talk in my next post!


Excelente trabajo! Es cierto que trabajar con las proporciones es difícil. Pero el resultado final que haz obtenido es sorprendente. Para este concurso no he hecho nada. Estoy en blanco. Jejeje! Supongo que trabajar en algo con relación a las rodillas me resulta un poco difícil. Pero tu haz plasmado la idea muy bien. El futbolista usa sus rodillas tal vez como apoyo en un gesto de triunfo, satisfacción y victoria luego de anotar un gol. Justo como te debes sentir ahora, victorioso! Felicidades! Suerte amigo!

PD: El detalle en la ropa, esas arrugas e imperfecciones se ven genial!

Kenni, hermano tu comentario es genial! Oye no te pierdas este concurso, desde que inicio también estaba en blanco, se que piensas como yo que no quieres hacer algo muy común como unas simples rodillas, pero tú eres artista y la creatividad la tienes que encontrar! Y se que lo haras y realizaras un trabajo brutal! Venga! Gracias por detallar el trabajo. Realmente me costó hacerlo pues no estoy acostumbrado a hacer detalles pequeños pero es parte de lo que hacemos! Estos concursos más que para ganarlos nos presentan retos para mejorar como artistas! Saludos mi hermano y gracias por tu apoyo! Tienes el mío siempre

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