Stories of a commercial diver - Back to My Office #10
Hello my friends from Steemit, here your friend @marsella-2017
Once again it is a pleasure to greet you.
For those who do not know me My name is Jesus Marsella, I am a Frogman - Diver, and this is another of my Stories.
My story today begins at the Cement plant wharf, located in the small town of Guanta, in the Anzoátegui state, here in Venezuela.
The Vencemos plant, an industry completely destroyed in the hands of the communism that governs our country.
They called me with my partner Alfonso, to attend a routine inspection, a cement cargo ship, needed to be checked to get out of the docks of the Pertigalete plant.
The WINTERSET (Cement Carrier) 164 meters long, a relatively small freighter.
Everything destroyed
As soon as we arrived, we were surprised by the state of abandonment in which the facilities of the cement plant are located. Everything is relatively destroyed.
Since we entered, they warned us that we could not take pictures, so I managed as I could, and took some pictures without them noticing.
The situation is so serious that even the reefs of the coasts are being blocked by the cement that spreads everywhere.
The cement-lined stairs, the pier, everything is covered in cement and apparently no one shows interest in counteracting the cancer that is expanding in this place.
They told us that they were already enlisting the safety of the boat so that we can enter the water.
We got ready and started our underwater work, this time I had to do the job of a hound, my partner Alfonso was going as main diver of the camera.
The particles are everywhere. when we were underwater, there were particles of dust and sediment everywhere, even though the water was clear, you could not see anything
We did the inspection and the boat was clean, we went up to the dock, we had to climb with the equipment by the rocks. everything is so bad here, that they did not even have a ladder so that we can climb.
It was a very unpleasant experience.
It is very impotent to see that everything in your country is destroyed, and I do not know whether to congratulate people or claim them, even if they do not attend their jobs.
A salary of 2 dollars a month, all destroyed, and not even the minimum conditions to present a decent job.
It is alarming to see people, to work without protection, without glasses or mouths.
It is very unpleasant to be here.
When we left the water, the night had already fallen, while we were changing clothes, it was very unpleasant to see that all our equipment, being wet, was filled with cement and you could not do anything about it. There was no fresh water or a place where we could change our clothes.
The truth gave me a lot of anger and I did not want to be in that place.
We moved to the side of the stairs, which was the place with less dust.
The wind began to blow and the dust whipped us, especially we felt we had cement in our eyes, so we decided to take refuge in the boat, and we were on board until the transport returned for us.
In a Normal country, this would be the scenario.
Clean facilities, a clean dock, and a completely standing industry, with people working, fully competent and well disposed.
The same boat on another dock.
Photo by : Allan J Kortsen
When the truck arrived we got off the boat quickly and put an end to this cement nightmare.
It will be up to a next adventure dear friends.
If you are a diver, we have a discord channel to promote the divers community in steemit.
We are few, soon we will be more!
You are welcome.

This is incredibly horrifying... what disgusting dive conditions and even more disgusting working conditions! Thanks for leaking those pictures of the concrete-encrusted reef -- it breaks my heart to share, but it is super important that people realize how much destruction is happening!
What a joy to see a new diver in one of my publications. I'm very happy to find a new friend.
Well yes, the situation is very alarming, and the worst thing is that as long as we continue with this socialist current of Chavez, we are destined to live in misery.
Our beautiful country is completely destroyed, because of these corrupt.
¡Ay! Qué escenario tan deprimente. Te sabes la historia, la forma que debería ser, como debería de trabajar y en cambio parece zona de desastre, si no nuclear, algo muy parecido. Lo siento tanto.
Pero por otro lado, me gustó la historia (sin parecer morbosa ni nada por el estilo)
Gracias por estar aquí amiga, tenia mucho rato sin escribir, han pasado muchas cosas por acá y muchas cosas han cambiado, no he perdido el animo, y menos las esperanzas de ver un cambio en mi país.
te sorprenderías si te digo, que esta es la principal industria productora de cemento de Venezuela, y mira como esta. Es horrible.
Solo te puedo decir que, si Tu país no se pone las pilas y observa el caso de Venezuela, van a pasar por lo mismo.
No le den oportunidad a los comunistas en México, Colombia por poco lo hizo, Mucha gente votó por Petro.