Testing DLive! Join me :-)

in #dlive7 years ago


Hey Steemians,
When this post is released, I will be trying out the new live-streaming platform @dlive
DLive is like Twitch but it's running on the Steem blockchain which is great!

Come join me!
My live stream is at @jbp's 1st DLive stream

Moin Steemians,
Wenn dieser Post veröffentlicht wird, bin ich gerade die neue Live-Streaming Plattform @dlive am testen.
DLive ist wie Twitch aber es ist verknüpft mit der Steem-Blockchain, was super ist und viele Vorteile mit sich bringt!

Du bist herzlich eingeladen reinzuschauen! :)
Hier kann man den Livestream ansehen: @jbps 1. DLive Livestream


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gave 22 cents

they are looking for developers

will you be working for decentraland?

it would be great to have a decentralized platform


How did u did ur video to work??

Sorry, what do you mean?

Great idea for live streaming using steem blockchain.

I agree, this system has a lot of applications ... this is the progress

Yes, it's great!

This is a major milestone, and thank you so much for this enhancement and please make a post about how the text drive work