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RE: DLive is joining the Lino blockchain, moving away from Steem

in #dlive6 years ago

May I ask what's wrong with it? Isn't that business, every whale out that saying they can upvote themselves 10 times a day because it's an investment, it's business. Why are you judging a project doing its business.

Your speculations looks reasonable to me but I don't see anything wrong with it, they didn't steal anything, they didn't hurt anyone, they started here, find a better path to move on and taking their chances.

Why so much hate if it doesn't that important.

I just want to mention, I have no relation with dlive team. I'm not even a user. I just stated my opinion below and those hate splashed to me. Possibly this one also get some flags but :shrug:.

Btw just right here a community account using delegated power to flag and reward comments to get some exposure, and none of the whales, orcas have a problem with it. Is it normal or is it business as well.


@oups, the problem is they were using funds given to them for free through delegation of Steemit, Inc. to the tune of a couple of MILLION SP.

If they had been using their own funds, it would look a lot less like stealing and people would not be upset. They also intentionally made it seem like they planned to help advance the development of this blockchain while secretly building it off another. There was a lot of deception involved.

Your comment got flagged not because of personal vendettas, but because it is simply not that accurate. One of the main reasons to flag content is "Disagreement on rewards."

I kinda get it. I was actually trying to find a middle point, attacking them wouldn't solve a single thing. And it might be used as a bad publicity in near future, and as a tiny bit of stakeholder I am, I can see markets going to change steem prices soon, I just worried about this anger might affect it.

Thank you for being here and explaining the reasons. I don't mind to lose these comments' rewards. I was just trying to debate here, but it obviously not possible without getting flagged and basically being censored for no good reason. There billions of spammers out there waiting for a single flag but here I'm getting 10s of it just stating my point and being in a conversation. I'm okay with getting nothing with these comments but at least put a single line of sentence why you disagree.

And I put this comment as a reply to meno's just because he looks like the least heated guy in the room.

"attacking them wouldn't solve a single thing. And it might be used as a bad publicity in near future" it's not "attacking" it's voicing their opinions. This is real freedom. Freedom becomes heated. Yes when people see real views it will have a future effect. Would someone do this again? Probably not. Because of the strong negative effect response here. This is the first time in history that people can really voice their opinions in an interesting way. This is real unfiltered empowerment. Or well people used to do this in the past all the time. Fights on the streets or arguments about stuff used to be very common back in the days. Now it happens in a digital way. And it's never censor. People can always click to view your message if they want to. It's not removed.

I really want to get out of this discussion, it started give me an headache, but if I may. I want to ask you one last question.

What will discourage someone else to do the same thing?
What dlive lose in here, they are already gone.

and I'm still getting flag notifications from you, what are you trying to do. Forcing me to continue this conversation and keep flagging. Would you be happy if I start to power down and sell it. What's you aim. Or you want a retaliation like in the streets bruh, do you want me to lease some vests and flag every each of your self-votes, before I go?

@phoneinf only flagged your insulting comment to @scipio, which was unnecessary. Don't be one of the crybabies about flags. Downvotes help to keep this place (somewhat) less toxic than facebook.

People complain it creates "brown-nosers" and that there is too much ass-kissing here, but I disagree. I think it forces immature people to behave more civilly, for the most part.

Get out then.

Yeah, @Stefan.Molyneux loves debate, arguments, in real life, and that is why we love going live.

Yeah, I get where you're coming from. Just be careful on getting too defensive about flags, that can bring more attacks on you. Actually, I think you'll find that you will get some upvotes on these comments once people understand what your real intention was.

There is a common misconception that a downvote/flag is an "attack:" It is not. It's just the opposite of an upvote. Do we ask "Why am I getting attacked by all these upvotes?!?"

However, I do agree that it's common courtesy to leave a comment stating the reason for a flag, though many people don't. If you feel like it, you can always update your original comment as you learn more about the situation. Some of the flags might get removed depending on how much your understanding grows.

Did Dlive violate a contract that they had with Steemit, Inc. that included conditional, bilateral, covenant, involving the delegation from Steem to Dlive, which specifically stated in the terms of the contract that Dlive had to promise to never ever leave for any reason to launch their own platform or anything like that? I have prefer Dlive over Dtube, at least. Beyond that, we also have Bitchute and Real Video.

Well, we don't know, because Steemit, Inc. does not release information about their delegations, which I feel ought to be more transparent. @DLive launching their own platform is of course their right, as it is ours to demand an explanation of the behavior. My intuition and what I've gleaned so far tells me they were not being completely honest in this post.

Never heard of @bitchute or Real Video, I'll have to check those out! As far as @dtube, along with many others, I wish they would take a smaller cut than 25% of author rewards. I know they need to reward their teams, but that is a massive amount.

I have not been able to play my older Dtube videos. That is videos that are older than a few months which didn't make any money on Dtube. They don't load, they don't play. But my older Dlive videos did play even if they didn't make money. If earning a certain amount of money is required for Dtube videos to remain up, then I just would want to know about it ahead of time, lol, but really. I like and the others too. Thanks. Upvoted.

This whole thing is just disgusting. Very dissapointing, @dlive.


  • first I upvoted @oups' comment to pull it upward from invisibility for being flagged (it deserves to be seen IMO)
  • then unvoted that upvote because it was seen anyway
  • but now apparently @wa7 &team are trying to use @oups' comment as their "promo stage", and that I don't agree to! So I now flagged the comment myself (as light as I could to still keep visible).

^^^ Sorry @oups , no personal pun / harm intended, hope you understand.

@oups: "just business" is a nonsense argument. @meno has clearly and carefully worded, that - apparently - @dlive was simply piggy-backing on STEEM from day 1, only to try and take away its user-base now.
And on top of that, on their lino-website, they are now referring to, implicitly stating "look, you can make money via dlive on lino!"
That is as bad as it gets, business-wise....

Thanks, I might miss a few points in meno's comment. I even check dictionary a few times as you may know english is not my mother language.
I get it, really it's a bad move business-wise. It might be planned since day one, however it still is a business. Instead of accusing them, I know there is at least 10 great developers in this comment section that can build a streaming platform in one to four weeks. If dlive were relied on steemit inc's delegation so it wouldn't be a problem. A streaming system on steem blockchain would be here within a month with the same power of delegation with same votes. Everything would continue where it left and it basically means a totally new start for dlive in their new blockchain. Just say goodbye and wish them a good luck and work on making steem better. That's all I'm saying. Act professional, build a better one on steem blockchain and make them sorry in the end. Even this thing goes viral on some blockchain blogs or somewhere else it should cause a bad publicity instead we (whole steem community from developers to the stakeholders) should use this as an opportunity.

But oddly enough it sounds awkward to everyone.

I do agree with some of your points here more than your original comment which was flagged. But I still think @meno's comment is important for documentation purposes. It's not to make them feel bad or be unprofessional, because to use @steemit's delegated power to do something shady behind the scenes needs to be brought to light. Of course I agree with the sentiment to forgive and move on. I hope a better streaming platform is created on the STEEM blockchain in the coming weeks/months.

thank you, for the SBI enrollement. i do appreciate it.
hf20 lag kicked my rhythm onsteemit.
im quite surprised to see this about Dlive, but i did find it strange when it was running when steem was not.

I learned today that there is basically does the same thing. Dtube also supports streaming. If these people wants dlive to fail, they should act differently. Instead of wasting their power to flag me, upvoting some newbie's content over there might actually help. But NOPE.

Yeah, I think people are really heated about this right now and emotion probably took over. I also rarely flag because I'd prefer to give the rewards to someone else. I do admire people like Bernie who are willing to use their stake for the purpose of countering scammers, though. Both methods (up/down vote) make the STEEM blockchain much more dynamic than somewhere like Facebook, where there isn't even a simple thumbs down built in.

another member of the Bernie clan detected!

Not at all, I used to hate the way he acted. It's just over the months I've come to understand his underlying intentions better. Respecting someone doesn't mean I agree with the way they go about things or even everything they do. All I said is I respect him for being one of the few whales willing to sacrifice profit to counter bad actors.

Did you say Dlive is doing something shady behind the scenes? I see Dlive left Steem, and is that shady or what was the shady part of it, specifically? Was it shady because Dlive didn't come forward with their plan to leave Steem until now? Did Dlive violate contracts, trust, or something?

There's a lot of speculation at this point, which I usually avoid unless it's certain, but in this case it seems like there is a high probability that this was their plan all along. I doubt they had a physical contract with @steemit, instead, they broke an unspoken contract by using a massive delegation to pay their team and build a competing platform. That's made a lot of people committed to STEEM pretty upset.

If they had been honest about their intentions, I doubt they would have gotten the huge delegations they did. I believe they knew that so they kept it secret as long as possible to continue milking the rewards pool.

Agreed, they could have done it differently, and we should be upset, and I hope we bounce back even stronger than ever without Dlive and with alternatives and everything. Thanks so much for talking about this. Upvoted.

Make Steem .8 again! lolol

It's not hate. People are just upset that's all. It's healthy to be upset when someone used them and then leave.

At least you can spare me a few minutes to get a few answers, specially from @meno. Since it was a reply to his comment.
But nope, let's get upset and act like mad so some big guy may see how furios we are and give us a 30 cent upvote. C'mon guys.

You asked what's wrong with it. Well it's manipulative and exploiting people. When you have plans to use them and then run to another place because of simple greed. They can do what they want but people will be upset about it.

And why are you upset about me? Am I one of dLive team? Did I exploit you?

Am I supporting this action, or looking for reasons to prevent it happen again. Which line actually made you flag that comment.

I just recently flagged by a mob, and I just though fuck it, I'm taking my worthless 500 SP and get out of this shit-hole. If you think few years later. If I had 50k SP and I kinda rely on income from steem. That mob was going to take my dinner from my table maybe a whole week of food was gone.

Is this how you add value to this community? Just because you had a bigger stick than me, do you have to swing it, mr young philosopher? Is this how you communicate in your real life, is this how you stay in peace in your neighbourhood?

"they didn't steal anything, they didn't hurt anyone" here you are wrong. They both stole people's valuable time and then let Steem users creator their new logo. They hurt many people. Just look at all the upset comments on this post.

I might be, but they paid steem to their content creators and paid steem to that designer for the work done. I see many upset people around but don't see the reason rather than a bandwagon effect.

There are people trying to censor an announcement post, what is the goal here, what's going to happen when this post downs to 0 or his reputation goes minus, from now on?

And I'm still getting flags here without any reason :). So there is no need to continue to this debate.

Thanks for your time.

Not sure if you have understood this place. It's based on Stake. People can like or disagree with you. Conversations will be heated.

That's where I agree with you, I didn't understand this place at all.

People doesn't use their power to fight with spam or plagiarism or anything else, they just ignore those and not flag them.

Yet in a conversation where they can express their ideas by words, they choose to use that unused power.

Freedom :peace:

I think it's more than just greed playing a part in all this, does success go hand in hand with greed? In my opinion, absolutely. I believe 99% of the entire crypto-market is driven by greed. DLive is up to something, and if they have to ruffle a few feathers to get the job done then so be it. I'm sure when twitch decided to sell out to Amazon for nearly a billion dollars it ruffled a few feathers.

You are crazy if you think 99% of the crypto market is driven by greed. Shows you have no clue about the human heart and what people really want. Freedom. It's a degrading view of humans thinking they only care about money and not love and relationships. This movement is mainly about humans creating a more fair world. 99% of humans are extremely loving and doesn't go for starting a business to maximise profits. That is a minority.

Best comment here! Thx for that.

Crazy? Maybe a bit, sure. You claim I have no clue about the human heart and what people really want? Well now it just sounds like you're claiming that I'm some kind of alien and not human at all. If you really wanna get technical than I could say that "I do know the human heart, because all it really does is pump blood", but to entertain your perspective, sure, people want freedom. Do I have a degrading view of humanity, maybe, we do live in strange times. I've been to jail. I've seen and heard some shit. The kind of shit that makes you squirm and make a disgusted face. But don't get me wrong, I'm all for love and freedom but when it comes to money, greed is always a factor. ALWAYS. And don't assume you know people better than they know themselves, that you know what people want, because if I told you what I really wanted in this world, it wouldn't align with what you think you know.

You were right.. check this thread today. His assumption failed!

The vast majority of human beings are driven by greed. I can't put a percentage on it but economy goes down crime goes up, there's no disputing people are greedy or at the very least have a survival instinct which at some point kicks in and makes them greedy. saying majority of crypto community is greedy IMHO isn't a slam on the crypto community, its a slame on human beings as a whole and it's true.

I honestly think in many ways the crypto community is more virtuous than regular society. Look at all the tipping and free money people have given out to help grow crypto, look at how generous people who made money in crypto have been to indivuduals and companies.Many crypto people are very virtuous and generous but as a whole people are greedy. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts abslutely

Power doesn't corrupt. But if that person with power divides the world and look at things differently then that is a corrupt person. But it has nothing to do with power. It has to do with the person.

Trust me, most people just want to get their bags filled at this point. Not a lot of people care. I am sure that after 3 extra months of spending time on here, you might slightly agree. After all, you're powering down and heading for the exit just like dlive did. Steem's payment system is anything but fair.

Is greed a good or bad thing?

Wow. Great question raised @joeyarnoldvn . And right on time.

I've read that older Dtube videos are discontinued if they're lacking enough rewards, after a few months. I've read some articles, some posts about it. So, I wrote about that since my older Dtube videos are not loading. So, Dlive didn't do that. But then a guy voted me down from a reputation of 55 to 51 this week just for bringing that up a few times here. He said that I should not say the same thing over and over again. I'm saying it because people say Dtube is better than Dlive and I can show people that my Dlive videos are still up while my Dtube videos are not. Thanks for commenting. Upvoted.

Good question. I dont know.

But when it comes from me, I joined Steem for earning money. But this money will also benefit the platform. Why? Because the stuff ill be buying from this money would be cameras, for the blog, donations and etc. Now tell me, is it greedy?

Good question and I love money and I love to help other people and I love free markets and greed is more of an emotion that may or may not be there during life like sadness and anger and laughter and everything. Upvoted.

Generally, it is good in the short-run and bad in long-run. If you are going to die next week, go ahead and be greedy.

I think the post was expressive enough. They left because they can, and because they didn't have much faith in this platform like you do. I thik it was purely a business move. They had so much support and so to lose and they left anyways.

I love competition and prefer Dlive over Dtube, and we also have Bitchute.

Thank you @scipio for granting me 2 hours of visibility.
And thanks to you as well dear @steem-ua for using your delegated power to flag this unreasonable, full of shit, spammy comment. Great usage of power from the week 3.

No more dlive, steem-ua is the life. Yeah!. We need more dApps like you.

You forgot the courtesy of my friend @cnts , long-time personal delegator.

I didn't get what you mean at all, don't know who he is. But you both welcome to jerk your egos with you greens. Enjoy.

@oups because they achieved that success thanks in no small part to a delegation of 2 million SP from @misterdelegation.

So, I guess we can't trust Dlive if they did betray us by leaving. I've prefer Dlive over Dtube and am bitter sweet about this divorce.

I'm not even a user.

Ah! @oups. That statement that I've selected above alone is key here to not feeling like a cuckold husband on this tragic love story. };)
Just look with how much passion reacted the biggest DLive's spited lovers on your comment. Hahahahaha

Haha, thanks for putting a smile just before I go, it's 8 in the morning and I still didn't sleep.
I just want to remind that There are plenty of fish in the sea.

Cheers mate! I'm glad for have been able to draw a smile on your face. :)

I'm following you too from now on. And just I'm gonna sign up right away on the new Lino blockchain's DLive #LinoNetwork to claim my username over there and also claim my brandnew Bonus of 100 LINO Points securing me a good place in the row to flirt with this little slut from the very beginning increasing my chance to wet the caramel among the first ones in this new bacchanal. ;)

I can never stream Live shit ever to gain her preference. But however, one never knows if I could eventually stream live a nice and unexpected premature intercourse with her along the road!! 👌

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