
Is one of many things we can say about earning money on blockchain and people will still think is a joke ahahaha

You’re so right, so many people are skeptical these days 😂

There is a saying "money doesn't grow on trees", but right now, when you can earn money by posting memes(ofc if they are good) I think that is as close as it gets(if you exclude banks printing as much fiat as they want 😀)!

I would of never of believed it until Dmania and Steem was created! HAHA

Lol, I didn't even velieve it when I heard about it 😀 had to see with my own eyes!

I heard about dmania but never used it until last week, great concept 😀

hahah absolutely correct

I'm looking at my life rn going, "People are making $200 posting memes on Dmania. What am I doing wrong in my life?

200 steemit dollar and that means 1400 US$ Wow

Yeah, it's crazy and another STEEM/SBD bull run is still coming. Imagine this after that.

Yeah right may be steem dollar goes to 100 US$ and that would be huge for just one post

In the past, it was only possible by owning a site like 9gag, but you needed an unreal amount of traffic for a decent income. Like millions of views, minimum!

I don’t believe

dmania is absolute garbage and consists purely of stolen memes

OMG for real?

Amazing that one could do so well with memes! . Thanks for sharing!

That cat is getting some major "Gainz" LOL

It has real determination. No doubt about it!

It has never been easier.
It's your own fault if you don't recognize the opportunities of making money right now in the crypto world.

Steemit is one of the best things that happened to me in the last time.
And I'm sure, it will become even more important for me.

Thankful for living in this times!

BY the way - good meme Charles! :D

That’s for sure, I seen Steem change many lives the last few months... who wants to work for minimum wage these days? 🤣

Hahaha true words..
You have to be clever and creative today.
So you can save time and effort.

But I don't think I have to tell you that ;-)

Im amazed by this. I just heard of this platform. I never heard of the dmania. Gonna check it out now. Today is my first day on steemit and im sold!

So true. Steemit has been so important to me than my paid job. Even though I am just new.

Yeah Steemit is everything. Too bad many not in the Crypto world may never find it or understand it.
This totally trumps Facebook. No pun intended. LOL

trump 1.jpg

It doesn't matter how you make the money, posting meme takes alot of initiative and cracking of brain. Since you've put the brain into work, there should be reward for that man

Yes thats ist so true funkylove

Not going to lie but it took some time to make the letters look all nice and find a good graphic 🤣

I spend hours making masterpieces, yet stolen memes from 2011 receive hundreds of dollars. Steemit is a platform full of crypto normies

Crypto Billionaire loses entire fortune in the great crypto meme bubble


Haha, dMania, the only place where the meme economy is actually an economy.

Who would of ever thought, silly memes can make money haha

ahahah memeonomy!

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How do you keep triggering the robot lol

You wish.


I do try 😂😂😂

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