To love a dog is to truly know the meaning of unconditional love...

in #dog8 years ago

  If you were lucky enough to share your life with a dog you also have the flip-side of such a strong relationship: grief .if you love a dog, you will lose a dog, and you will suffer the pain and biting lessons that death brings. As pet owners know, you can't just replace your lost loved one .A dog's life is considerably shorter than a human's life.They spend much of their life caring for us, and letting us care for them...  You don't always get that understanding when a dog dies. Some people still don't understand how central animals can be in people's lives, and a few may not get why you're grieving over "just a dog."  This grief is completely normal, and may be misunderstood by the people around you. They may accuse you of overreacting. It is, after all, ‘just a dog.’ Healing is a process and there are ups and downs...  

  My best friend, my companion, my everything...gave me her leg,took her last breath and left me ....People keep telling me that I took good care of her  that she had a good life but I think about the number of times I left her home alone for long periods of time.My life will never be the same without her,I have an empty heart and soul…The pain is overwhelming, and I wish it would go away soon. My baby went to wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge on April 8,2016.I know she will always be with me in spirit and I am so grateful for the gift of the unconditional love we’ve shared all this time.i will never forget you.... 


My best friend, my companion

When we spin the car starts :)))))STEEMIT my best friend dog

:-D he is awesome!!

Sorry for your loss <3
As a devoted "Dog Mom" I have had this experience too many times, but once the pain subsides, I joyfully commit to loving another, (or 2!) and I hope you will too.
We never forget those we've lost, and as you said, they are always with us in spirit.

i don't know if i will find the strength to love another and losing it again,maybe is too early for me..i hope that i will.. !

Each loss is difficult, but the first is always the hardest.

What a beautiful dog. May your memories of her bring you joy and comfort.

thank you...she was my princess!!

I know this feel. I lost my best friend almost 4 years ago, it took me several years before I could look at a picture of her without tearing up. It broke me, and it was so painful losing her. I'm doing a lot better now, but I miss her, and I tear up just writing this. <3 I have 3 other dogs now that I absolutely love, but they can of course never replace the one I lost. She was, and always will be, my special one.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

i know exactly how you much pain..she was my first dog and she was perfect...

I haven't had a dog in over 20 years. I just have not live anyway where i could have one. I miss having a dog though. Can't wait till move somewhere where it is allowable.

i wish that some day you will be able to have a dog and feel that love !!!

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