My Frens, I Bring You BORK: My Heckin' Promise to Steemit

in #dog7 years ago (edited)

What a week, frens. With all of the crazy stuff going on here on the Steemit, I figure it is a good time to do a promise to all of you here who have been so heckin' nice to me.

Right off the bat, I'm going to do a throw out there: sometimes this place can feel mean. It doesn't happen a lot, but it can feel heckin' frustrating when I do a sniffer snufst of some spam (misleading: not tasty) or even some dang flags. But also, I heckin' love how nice the hoomans here are. When lady is working, I do an observe around the perimeters (much like home, the safety of the Steemit is now in my paws.) I see kind upboops and hoomans doing a great engage and lots of teaching and great stories! So I do a come to you today to promise, "I will be the Very Good Boy Poster that the Steemit needs!"  The only thing that heckin' belongs on a chain is information, so here is what I spent all week doing a think about.

Also, don't mind my ridiculous handsome face, frens. I did a pose for some pictures to make sure that my post (and poster!) turned out just right. I mean, I always look like this when I do a think anyways; very dignified, and extra heckin' majestic.


I promise to do the heckin' best posts I can. I promise to always do a sniffer snerfst of animal rescues and do a give of my upboops to them. I promise to do a control of lady hooman when she gets so heckin' carried away taking pictures of me. I promise to do a patrol and protect for bad posters, bottos, and treacherous squirrels. I promise to do a give of lots of my SBDs to @TARC rescue, because I did a research and found them to be a very worthy charitable cause.

I promise to be a Very Good Boy.


Now, it has come to my heckin' attention that a sneaky squirrel did a post of a blog against doggos. It is full of heckin' untruths, frens, and I cannot do a stand by while my brethren get done a smear. I am doing such a serious in my promises, and doing such a super swear that this is squirrel slander, that I even had lady hooman make me a heckin' symbol of my very true heart and very excellent ears.


Despite this misinformation that is doing a circulate, and some of the not nice that is sometimes on the Steemit, I am here to tell you, "B O R K."   Take heart, frens. Together we will do a good here on the Steemit. In fact, we have already done TWO heckin' super greats!

  • One: My sister did a try on of her brace yesterday. Frens, you did the upboops, I did the trade, and now she does the walk! So far it has already done a real change of her gait. She gets tired because I think she is doing an exercise of muscles that have been pretty heckin' weak for a while, but already she can do a faster walk. That is heckin' AMAZING. I will do a demand that lady hooman does an attempt to do a document of this achievement of ours to the chain.

  • Two: I did a send of a bunch of my SBDs to @TARC! Upon initially discovering that I can't do an eat of them and now that I did a buy of the brace for my sister, I did an extra smart research on what to heckin' do with these things. @TARC is an animal rescue here on the Steemit raising money for animal frens, so it makes a good sense to me to do a send to them to get stronger and to do a pay of all the heckin' bills! I will do a buy of some cool toys and foods and things here to do a send to another rescue, and the rest I will do a power up of. I'm going to do a grow into the Very Best Boy on the Steemit!

I'm going to keep doing a morning aroo to make sure that lady hooman does a get up early each day to help me get my sister walked, and the neighbourhood patrolled for the squirrel forces. I will do a check back in with more updates and specialized Good Boy knowledges for you, but remember:

Do a positive, do a nice, do some upboops, always do a use of your media literacy, and do a critical think if you run into dastardly squirrel propaganda on the Steemit. Being truthful and Very Good is heckin' worth it, frens!

I'm doing a help for places on Steemit taking care of doggos, cattos, and animal frens with mega upboops, and a sniffer snipst to find SBDs to send to help @TARC rescue!

Snibby the Cat wants to do his part to help Murphydog raise money for TARC too!
snibby the cat.jpg

Snibby look like you're doing an alarm. Blue lady says you will do a help, so you have nothing to do a fear from me. I only like to do a chase of cattos for fun, but most just aren't a Very Fast Boy like me and do a sore lose.

Squirrel no slander, only speak truth.

Your admittedly honorbell action for your fellow woofer is all goodandstuff. And that stuff for animal helpers too.

This duzzent clear up the issue of the stoled nutz. I shall find the truth of it.

Beware doggo!


yunz varmits better stay off ma properteh. them walnuts ya'll done stole was for ma humans. ya'll done ate every bit of 'em. ya'll wanna talk about stolen nuts, ya'll come onta ma properteh again and i is gonna find ya. i gots me a fine nose for varmit troubles.

fren, you are one heckin' cool doggo! The squirrel menace has done a spread all the way to you?! This is even more dastardly than we did a think. We must do a band together to do drive of these stealers back into the woods and away from our beloved hoomans and homes

i reckon if we were ta band tagether, dem varmits ain't got a chance. lucky fer yunz, i gots me a his-tor-y wit' chasin' varmits. all of 'em. rabbits, squir-els, 'possums, and 'coons too.

Heck, yes! We shall do a hem them in from all sides!

@murphydog, you are a star on this platform!

Hi @murphydog, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord

yo Murph, sorry I miss dis bork u done. is a righteous borking an I will give it mah best howl so other doggos do a listen. me and mah feather frens have a satochi of nutz to do a give to this TARC so that needy quirrls an flyless birdos have some quality grub. keeps up da bork murph, and good sniffs to yer sister!

Bork Bork Bork, thanks for the good blog fren

Pawbumpses fren doggo, heckin' good boy.

Great post we will seen on your post

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