Wolf-dog hybrid kills Newborn Baby in Virginia

in #dog7 years ago (edited)

A Virginia family's pet wolf-dog hybrid was euthanized after it mauled and killed their 8-day-old baby girl, WJHL reported.

The newborn suffered serious injuries to her upper body and head in the attack at the family's home Wednesday, according to Lee County Sheriff Gary Parsons.

The parents heard the newborn crying, went into the bedroom and saw the 3-year-old dog standing over the bassinet, WJHL reported.


"There was blood in the bassinet where the dog had attacked the child," Parsons told WJHL. "The child had been seriously mauled by the animal."

Her father brought her to the hospital before police got to their house and she died after being transferred twice to other hospitals, WJHL reported.

The attack was reported to police at about 11:40 a.m., WJHL reported. The girl died around 4 p.m.

Parsons said the attack is being investigated and child neglect charges are a possibility.

"The tough part for me is who is in the right and who is in the wrong, and you hate to charge parents that are grieving over a child. But, at the same time, you have to consider the rights of the child," Parsons told WJHL.

The family has two other older children and two other dogs, WJHL reported.


More than 5,000,000 puppies are born in the U.S. every year.