Chronicles of Alan :Tolkien and Bree 3
In case you have not read parts 1 & 2 you can gain access here:-
As you can see , these two had recently been for a swim!
Whenever I came home from Work I would park in the Back, Go through a Kitchen Courtyard door ( usually open ) and enter the house from the Back.
Bree would be OK with the little Dogs, Otis and Zen Jade, remember , Tolkien, not so Much.
I made sure not to ever make a fuss of them in front of Tolkien.
When Zen was 10 months Old , Chris went away with Her Best Friend Corrie, to a Guest Farm in Magaliesburg, and took Zen with her. Otis was left behind as he would get Car Sick.
Chris begged me to keep him locked in the Bathroom to prevent anything happening to him.
I prepared the Kitchen Courtyard for him, Heavy concrete beam against the Base of each exit door, Put a Basket with a Blanket under Roof, Food and Water, when I got home from Work , inside he came watched TV with me , and then we went to sleep .
( he normally slept against the Back of My knees , very quietly.)
This worked great on Monday and Tuesday,.
Wednesday , when I got home , someone was waiting at the front gate for me( to do with work) chatted briefly , I went inside , opened the Kitchen Door and called Otis, strangely , he did not come . Switched on the Courtyard lights , saw his food had not been touched,
I had a dreadful foreboding and noticed that the concrete beam at the base of the door to the back yard had been moved forward.
I opened the Back Door and found his little Body lying close to where I normally park my Car. When I got close to him to pick him up , Tolkien got quite Aggro, but I was having none of it.
I still get a sick feeling all these years later when I think on this, the only little miniature that Chris had adopted as part of her family, that never tried to run away, always happy to be with Chris and happy to be with me if she was not there.
I wrapped him in one of my T-Shirts ( he used to sleep in them when he was a Baby ) and buried him in the front yard, he never even made 2 years old!
Did I phone Chris?, No, why ruin her break?
Chris was coming home Sunday , so I popped out of a Church Meeting and let the hammer fall.
She was dreadfully upset , and when Zen got home he kept going through the house and front yard looking for his little friend and seemed quite bewildered.
Locked in the Bathroom all day seemed( too late) to be a really good option?
People always joke that 'dog' spells 'god' backwards. They should consider that it might be the higher power coming down to see just how well they do, what kind of people they are. The animals are right here, right in front of us. And how we treat these companions is a test
i love dog very well ,thanks for sharing @awgbibb
great words
Great words for great Dogs ;)
So sweet. You have a kind heart my friend @awgbibb
Thank you for sharing
Thank You so much My Friend, I think one gets softer and Gentler with age? ( I did)
With age we grow closer to immitate God.
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You and I both know that feeling. You did the right thing to wait until your wife got home to break the news, but it is tough to shoulder a burden like that on your own.
Yea it hurts.
My doge had breast cancer and medicine didn't help.
So he suffered a lot and coughed almost every 1-3 hours with blood.
So i decided to stop his suffering and to put him on sleep..
And after 4 years it still hurts inside like hell.
I feel you. Thanks for the post.
My Daughter's previous Rottweiler, Vincent, had to be put down because of Cancer, Heartwrenching.
Yeaah, i'm sorry maybe i shouldn't have to tell you about it. You'r already in sad thoughts.
Well let's just move forward. There are still a lot of good memories about them to smoothe what you feel right now.
:-( awwww....

So Sweet . Really Soft Hearted

Very cute
Can give me one from those
Brother a lot of thanks for ur support me
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so cute, these boys are so cute. waiting for more!!
just completed reading all three posts. tolkien and bree are so cure. realllly sweet. following u :)