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RE: Jeff Berwick Interviews Barry Cooper on Anarchast

in #dollarvigilante9 years ago

I didn't know that marijuana is a lot safer than alcohol. I have never tried any of the drugs but yeah I drink a lot of alcohol. I think there must be something behind marijuana that every country's Goverment want it to ban. I don't know but it is not legal in my country. By the way nice post @barrycooper


I have never seen two people who were using marijuana get into a fist fight. Even when things got heated, before it could escalate, everyone would end up laughing and it would settle down. There is something about seeing someone angry when you are high, it just looks so funny. Alcohol on the other hand, seems to encourage violence.

I have no interest in professional wrestling. But I'd pay money to watch two people on dope trying to fight.

Some people react strongly to different forms of alcohol. And different people react differently.
I had a friend who could drink beer all day and never get aggressive. He was just easy going. But give him whiskey and he was a jackass. A cousin of mine was a mean drunk too. I just get goofy. :)
I've never seen someone aggressive on pot. Hrmm, I never thought about it before. But I'm not around a lot of people who smoke either.

You are saying that Alcohol causes more violence than marijuana. Well, i think the effect of using any one of them is the same. It is just the intensity and dosage giving us the violent results.

over 95 percent of all violent crimes are committed by persons under the influence of alcohol. Sorry funnyman but you are wrong on this one. Peace to you though.

This is because alcohol is more freely available than any other.

Nowhere have I come across any research that has pointed towards a connection between the intensity of cannabis and violence. Violent outbursts could somewhat be true depending upon the mental state of a person smoking cannabis with high THC content like giving strong cannabis to a schizophrenic but that wouldn't be the fault of cannabis, only the fault of giving a psychoactive drug to a mentally unwell individual.

The availability of alcohol doesn't matter. Looking at areas such as Colorado also proves there is no connection between cannabis dosage and violence.

yes, he is saying that and I think everyone will agree with that statement

it is illegal in your country because the US made - bribed or threatened - all others to sign onto the 1963 UN Single Convention Treaty. It is a sham. US control over everything.