Dolphins' Incredible Skills

in #dolphinslast year

Learn about the amazing skills of dolphins. It's no wonder they are recognized as one of the most intelligent species in nature!

Dolphins are amazing creatures! Their intelligence is a common fact, but have you ever wondered how much these marine animals can surprise us? There are several typing skills and dolphins stand out among others.We can talk about pink dolphins, circus dolphins or some other species, but really they all have amazing skills!

  1. Language communication is a feature of dolphin behavior, emphasizing their social nature and group life. Dolphin communication is expressed through sound and ultrasound pulses. They make many different types of sounds: whistling, chirping, buzzing, hissing, hissing, clicking, clicking, hissing, popping, roaring, screaming, crackling, etc.The most expressive is the whistle, of which there are several dozen types. Each of them means a phrase (alarm, pain, call,
    greeting, warning, etc.).

  2. Basically, dolphins have very good hearing, operating on the principle of ultrasound waves. It often replaces dolphin vision. Precise hearing helps these marine inhabitants find food at night or in murky waters, avoid dangers from predators, and avoid encountering obstacles. Dolphin hearing, like other cetaceans, is 400 to 1,000 times more accurate than humans!

  3. Dolphin intelligence. First of all, it should be noted that dolphins learn everything very quickly, sometimes even faster than dogs. After watching this trick two or three times, he can easily repeat it. In addition, dolphins can show creativity.Thus, the animal is capable not only of performing the trainer's tasks, but also performing other tricks in the process. This animal's brain is also amazing: it actually never sleeps. The right and left hemispheres alternate. After all, dolphins must always be vigilant: avoid predators and occasionally rise to the surface to breathe.

4.One surprising property of the dolphin creature is its ability to heal wounds quickly. Dolphins do not bleed even when they have deep and serious wounds. These sea creatures can use the ability to dive to depths and thereby slow down blood circulation until the blood begins to clot. Dolphins do not suffer from infected wounds. The skin and subcutaneous fat of mammals contain antibacterial substances that prevent the development of infection in wounds.

  1. Dolphins can dive up to 300 meters without showing signs of decompression sickness. It is also known as caisson disease - a disease that occurs during the rapid transition from a high pressure environment to a lower pressure environment. These mammals also emerge from the depths at high speeds. On the other hand, it can be fatal to the diver.