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RE: Donald Marshall- The Elites- The Vril- Cannibalism- Pedogate: History and Connections

I am watching these videos and it is sick and scary. I have seen videos like this before but it has been awhile. I understand we need to wake the sheeple and you and I are together in this information war. It just is overwhelming sometimes to hear their false reality. Thanks @richq11


Thank you my friend! This is a sick and scary topic... whether Vril are real or imaginary, the behavior remains- unchecked by any form of moral braking system it seems. It appears to me to be a type of voluntary insanity. If it is an internal parasite (Vril) that is making people do these sick things, it's a better explanation than them doing it by choice. If I should get the opportunity to do this series, I want to take Donald's work from the beginning and try to put it in perspective. He's been ridiculed and right or wrong, he's an incredibly courageous man. His message has never wavered nor has his resolve.

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