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RE: Donald Marshall- The Elites- The Vril- Cannibalism- Pedogate: History and Connections

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago

This topic is so repulsive and horrible that even if one can present conclusive, undeniable evidence for it, most people will not have the stomach to accept it. Reality is already bad enough as it is. If any of this is actually true, it would imply that we are living in hell...


The behavior as evinced in the videos and article about the Queen, is real... it's only the cause that's in question. I've always looked at this life as a test to determine where we will spend eternity... as for people having the stomach to accept it- I often wonder if I do. After learning the things I have over the last few days, I've been doing a lot of praying. If there was ever something I wished I could unlearn- that would be it!

I hear you my friend. The deeper I have been digging, the more filth I have found. I have never imagined that it could turn out that bad when I started my journey. I sometimes wonder if the oblivious sheeple are not better of than us. I am just glad that I must learn this shit at the end of my life and not when I was young. At least I had a good life in blissful ignorance...

Amen to that... If you run into any blue pills let me know!

This is all new to me. I never knew about the human cloning centers. I knew about the pizzagate pedogate cannibalism for about 2 years. I knew the "elite" scumbags were at the top of this pyramid... The Great Awakening is happening.

Mark 4:22 There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. There is nothing kept secret that will not come to light.

Romans 3:4 Let God be true and every man a liar!!!

Honestly I rather kick the bucket before any of this crap comes to light. Wouldn't want to live in a world like this. Just thinking about it makes me vomit. Glad I'm old. That's just too much.

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