Human cloning: The concept :fact and myth?

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago

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Human coloning is another way of replicating genetically the same copy as of a human. It is a word used to generally for referring to made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural but in a artificial way resemblance.

Human are a very good specie of homo sapiens which in order words referred to as an higher animal which possess higher thinking, higher wisdom, higher level of intelligence . Human are different from other kinds of animals in the sense that, human are able to react to things, nature and disaster. Human have the ability to think even more million times faster than any other animals. Ability to take decisions at an appropriate time. Ability to judge and be judged.

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On the other hand, Coloning is gotten from the word "colone" which means replicate of a particular object or something.Coloning is a form of replication in which children result are not from the fission of sexual intercourse but from a deliberate genetic make up of another person or another single individual. With my little knowledge, human Coloning is asexual not sexual means . Human Coloning is said to only be achieved by a nuclear transfer process. Which is far away from conceiving in a natural way, mating of a man and a woman before fertilization occur, and the fission of the egg an the ovum. Human Coloning is not a natural way of identical twins. It is a non natural way of replicating human.

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Coloning really produce a 100% exact replica of the person the genetic material is collected from. The real duplicate that is derived during the process of human cloning is called a "clone". It is very essential to note that a clone has the same genetic component as its original. Isn't that amazing? Yes it is.

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A true revelation was made by a man called Donald Marshall I'm the year 2011 where he said he was cloned by a secretive cult. Also know as" Free Masons "

This is an attempt to shed more light and more importantly educate the whole public of the whole universe about the concept of human cloning and the fact which he was so unluckily to result from. Marshall D., further explained himself that human cloning are of two types. They are called replication and duplication.(types) Here, replication has to do with when a clone grows from childhood into its matured state,full being in a normal manner without any form of alteration while on the other hand, duplication is when an adult clone is being grown in a tank.

Conclusively to this, there are many different school of thought about the concept of human cloning and fact. Some people believe that it does exist at all and is possible , no doubt while others believe humans can not be cloned, also possible too. Human cloning could be scary in the real sense if it's really possible.that's my simple believe.


Thanks for reading.

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