Do you have a nickname?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Do you have a nickname?

dpoll Do you have a nickname_ bxlphabet.jpg

What do people call you? Is it the name on your birth certificate or something else?

Please let me know any interesting information in the comments. I want to hear from you.

Thank you for answering my dPoll.

  • I do not have a nickname now, but I have in the past.

  • I do not have a nickname now, and not ever.

  • Yes, I have a nickname.

  • Yes, I have more than one nickname.

Answer the question at


Voted for

  • Yes, I have a nickname.

Voted for

  • Yes, I have a nickname.

Voted for

  • Yes, I have a nickname.

Voted for

  • I do not have a nickname now, and not ever.

Voted for

  • I do not have a nickname now, but I have in the past.

Nobody but my mother ever called me by my name. At school, I was nicknamed deirdyweirdy, now everyone calls me D, the first letter of my name.

Voted for

  • Yes, I have a nickname.

but won't tell

Voted for

  • Yes, I have a nickname.

Voted for

  • Yes, I have more than one nickname.

My name is "Zoltán". My nickname is usually either "Zoli" or "Zolika".
Sometimes "Zotyó", "Zotya".
The "Zoltán" name is an ancient Hungarian name with Arabic origin.
It originates from the Arabic "sultan" word.

Voted for

  • I do not have a nickname now, but I have in the past.

Voted for

  • Yes, I have a nickname.