If The Latest HardForks Were A Type Of Movie, What Kind Of Movie Would They Be?

in #dpoll5 years ago

If The Latest HardForks Were A Type Of Movie, What Kind Of Movie Would They Be?

There Comes A Point...

Where you just have to laugh at things, or have fun with them, to avoid getting overly frustrated with it all. I believe I am approaching that point with these hardforks (the long awaited 21 and its buggy bug-patching cousin, 22). I'm not completely there, but I do believe I need to let off some steam, if you will, by posting a serious poll in a not so serious way.


Image source—Pixabay

In other words, try to get a point across, but in a silly, absurd kind of fashion that hopefully people can have some fun with while not taking everything too seriously.

We'll see how this goes.

Movies have all kinds of different genres. I'm wondering, if you had to choose, how would you categorize the hardforks in terms of a movie genre. Would just one fit them, or would you need more than one to describe them?

Feel free to pick one or more than one (or none for that matter).

If you actually have a specific movie in mind, by all means, share it with your response.

  • Action

  • Adventure

  • Comedy

  • Crime

  • Drama

  • Fantasy

  • Horror

  • Mystery

  • Saga

  • Satire

  • Science Fiction

  • Thriller

  • Western

  • Other

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Hey, @gravitcaper.

That's quite the combination of movies you've got going for the hardforks. :) Any particular movie or combination of movies come to mind?

only genres, the film has probably not been shot yet:)

Hey, @cryptoburner.

Certainly has been plenty of drama, so I guess it's no wonder that answer is turning out to be the crowd favorite. :)

Voted for

  • Drama

Hey, @jeffjagoe.

Yeah. Drama looks like it's pulling away a little bit here with the poll. Not surprising, since there's been plenty of it. :)


Horror/Mystery 😅

Awesome, ty.

Hey, @idig.

I wondered if anyone would go after horror. Now I know. :)

Mystery seems to lend itself quite well. Bugs that go undetected for hours if not days, waiting to strike. Not knowing when or if another might halt the chain.

Not sure if this is working, but I'm going to keep on trying anyway:


Hey thanks for the engage grandpa!

I normally dont care for horrors 😅.

Mysteries are interesting but please no bugs.

Have a great day @glenalbrethsen

Movie= Road Trip lol

As in, it's time for all of us to take a roadtrip from STEEM? :)

Lol. I was gonna send the trailer but i found it too vulgar lol.


A Leslie Nielsen deadpan comedy. It's funny, a little cringe, and you're sitting there trying to decide if what just happened is serious or a joke.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey, @ddrfr33k.

I can see that. Especially the idea of serious or a joke, based on what perspective you take. The comedy is going for funny in most cases, but with deadpan, you're never quite sure... :)

Okay. meant to do this with the other comment. I'm not sure if it's working, though.


Voted for

  • Other


Hey, @bxlphabet.

I almost included that in the list of genres, and then decided not to. :)

Is this one of those undercover documentaries, or is their permission to film?


Haha! I do not think they would choose to have this filmed of their own accord! So we have to go undercover. Thank you so much for the token - very much appreciated, @glenalbrethsen.

did you actually get it? I haven't seen misterengagement commenting like its supposed to. So I'm wondering if it's even giving out the tokens.

Voted for

  • Drama
  • Mystery
  • Thriller

Hey, @abbak7.

Definitely plenty of drama and mystery. I can see thriller, too, depending on how long any of this might drag on and how intense people might be concerning earning, socializing, whether their holdings are safe, what this all might do to the price, etc.


Voted for

  • Drama

Hey, @d-zero.

Definitely plenty of drama. In the typical sense, where there's ongoing conflict without a lot of resolution, and in the sense that happens a lot here, where basically things can be escalated with the slightest provocation. :)


Voted for

  • Drama

Hey, @fredkese.

Definitely plenty of elements of drama here. :) I don't know that we have a clear winner yet, but drama seems to be edging away a little.


Will most likely win

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