Have you changed your consumer habits due to the privacy scandals in the previous years?

in #dpoll6 years ago (edited)

Have you changed your consumer habits due to the privacy scandals in the previous years?

I have not changed anything in my consumer habits in the previous years.
I already safely used the products/services of the affected companies (for example Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.).
What about you? Have you changed your consumer habits due to the privacy scandals in the previous years?

  • No, these scandals do not appeal to me (I don't care about them).

  • No, because I already safely used the products/services of the affected companies (for example Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.).

  • No, because I have not even used the products/services of the affected companies (for example Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.).

  • No, because I do not use any product/service, for which I would have to provide sensitive or financial data.

  • No, because it is not possible to exist without the products/services of the affected companies (for example Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.).

  • Yes. I am trying to approach it more consciously, but the change is minimal.

  • Yes. I made some changes, but not significant changes.

  • Yes. According to my own judgement, I made significant changes, but I am still using the products/services of the affected companies (for example Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.).

  • Yes. I stopped using the products/services of the affected companies (for example Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.).

  • Yes, nowadays or a few years earlier I made smaller or bigger changes, but not due to the privacy scandals in the previous years.

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for

  • Yes. According to my own judgement, I made significant changes, but I am still using the products/services of the affected companies (for example Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.).

Voted for

  • Yes. According to my own judgement, I made significant changes, but I am still using the products/services of the affected companies (for example Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.).

Voted for

  • No, these scandals do not appeal to me (I don't care about them).

Voted for

  • Yes. I stopped using the products/services of the affected companies (for example Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.).

Voted for

  • Yes. According to my own judgement, I made significant changes, but I am still using the products/services of the affected companies (for example Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.).

Voted for

  • Yes. According to my own judgement, I made significant changes, but I am still using the products/services of the affected companies (for example Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.).

Voted for

  • No, these scandals do not appeal to me (I don't care about them).

Voted for

  • No, these scandals do not appeal to me (I don't care about them).

Voted for

  • Yes. According to my own judgement, I made significant changes, but I am still using the products/services of the affected companies (for example Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.).

Voted for

  • Yes. According to my own judgement, I made significant changes, but I am still using the products/services of the affected companies (for example Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.).