to celebrate my arrival I have drew this steemit dinosaur for the community. under the tree there is a cave with tree roots coming down. I ran into some problems in the process but I think it looks epic!! And remember...
to celebrate my arrival I have drew this steemit dinosaur for the community. under the tree there is a cave with tree roots coming down. I ran into some problems in the process but I think it looks epic!! And remember...
Sweet dinosaur! Also, I love that you drew the Steemit logo in the corner ;)
Nice one @henryclarke. I also like the steemit logo in the corner. 😁
No way a five year old drew this unless you're some kind of prodigy
So rad! Was this drawn digitally? He looks like a cross between a Dino and a Dragon — perhaps a Dragonosaur? ⭐️ Keep it up, kiddo!