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RE: [My Drawing] 打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか? Japan new animation Uchiagehanabi’s scene drawing, 애니메이션 포스터 드로잉

in #drawing7 years ago

The country of Anime, ah i love it. My first contact was Akira i bought in a Virgin Store in Chicago on a business trip. I was so excited by detailed pictures and animations and the twisted story that i replayed it on the notebook on the passenger seat while driving back to the hotel.. suddendly i was stopped for speeding by a officer on the highway and he turned a blind eye because he laughed about my identity document from germany.. how stupid i was!

Since then i adore the drawing art, the mind bending fantasy stories i often miss in western productions which are more mainstream.. but maybe that's vice versa from your point of view 😄

Thank you for the beautiful drawing that reminded me again of my story like @kinakomochi also did!


Thank you for your great comment and sharing of your memorial about animation. Thank you @onetin84 I will keep going with drawing around me. please take a pleasure. and I will visit your steemit. regards david