Adding LiPos4 Batteries to Solar/Wind Off Grid

in Dream Steem9 months ago (edited)

Adding LiPos4 Batteries to Solar/Wind Off Grid

Copyright ©️ 2024 @jeff-kubitz, Jeff Kubitz, All Rights Reserved, original photos.
The black 1/0 stranded wire is the output at the end of the parallel battery circuit.

New EcoWorthy 235AH LiPos4 Batteries In 7134 Watts Configuration.


I placed the new batteries on the end of a parallel chain of deep cycle marine 12 volt DC batteries I already have.

They cost $855 for two including taxes of $57.

Two additional 1/0 automobile battery cables cost $53.

I charged them for one hour before turning on the TV and refrigerator.

Again I put them on the end of a chain of 5 batteries because I wanted the electrical charge to be constant.

I was afraid that they exceed the high operating temperature where they are at but the Low temperature is -4F -20C, the High 131F 55C



I put them in with help by the wife at 6:15 pm and there was enough light to charge them until about 9 pm.

The first thing I noticed was charging with the solar system has levelled out. In other words, the input voltage on the charge became steady.

For years, the changing system cycled from a low of 12.8 volts (and below that to 11.4) to as high as 16.2 volts(Which sounds a nerve wracking alarm).

The solenoid switch would switch every few seconds and overheat. Sometimes as often as every 5 minutes all day long.

So the switch stuck and I would tap it with a piece of plastic pipe sometimes every few minutes. Sometimes every hour or two depending on whether or not output of electricity is high.

Needless to say, that drove me nuts but I dealt with it.

Last night while charging the solenoid switch did not switch once and so it did not overheat and did not need to be tapped to cause it to work again.

The other reason put the two batteries on the end of parallel battery chain is because I have a wind mill and that windmill is capable of exceeding the charging capacity. Running the wind mill generated energy through standard lead acid batteries quickly changes the windmill output voltage to the acceptable range.

Inside each EcoWorthy battery there are sensors and switches that monitor Input/Output - Charge/Discharge voltages

Outside temperature and internal temperature.

If the parameters are exceeded the batteries stop Charge/Discharge actions.

I probably could have run the refrigerator all night on the charge I gave the batteries from 6:15 to 9:00 pm. But I chose not to because if the batteries fall below a charge 12.8 volts battery recharge lessens - this does not include surge drops.

Surge drops only last a second or two. For a refrigerator or vacuum, electric tools, the surge can be up to 10 times the normal operating voltage.


They manufacturer recommends 2,000-4,000 watts of solar panels for a two hour charge time - which lasts 24 hours or more depending on what you run.

Last night I charged them with 1,000 watts until 7:30 pm and 400 watts after that until 9:00 pm.

Now the refrigerator just defrosted and before these batteries were added, voltage output would drop to 12.0 - 12.1 volts as the defrost uses a lot of electricity. Oftentimes I would have to shut off the refrigerator during defrost for the system to recharge the batteries during the defrost cycle.

My input voltage was probably in the range of 500 watts because it is now 8:00 am.

The system voltage maintained 12.8 volts, began to reach 12.9 volts.

Dropped to 12.6 volts for a few seconds when the refrigerator kicked on the refrigerator cycle after the defrost because of the surge.


By putting LiPos4's on the end of a parallel of battery circuit, voltage is normalized to parameters enabling windmill power to charge Lithium Ion batteries. The life expectancy of both LiPos's and deep cycle lead acid batteries will be extended.

Off Grid living will be better/cheaper and more comfortable. Most appliances like refrigerators can be run 24 hours instead of doing this to survive:


Freezing water in the freezer during the day and moving half the frozen water down to the refrigerator section cold at night to keep food spoilage down.

Yes, this is a great advancement in LiPos charging by me. It's like publishing articles about turning 2 megawatt horizontal windmill blades out of the wind before hitting the brakes. Or during high wind exceeding windmill operation parameters, turning windmill blades to a shallow angle that allows the continuation of the windmill to produce electricity.

I was able to run a box fan at high speed for a couple of hours last night for the first time since we bought it years ago on the LiPos4's 235AH(Amp Hours).

After, running the refrigerator and the TV for an hour after sunset. That's on an extremely low charge of four hundred watts from 7:15 pm to 9:00 pm.

While the box fan was running, at 11:00 pm I turned on the refrigerator until midnight. Except for a drop to 12.5 volts for three seconds because of the surge, it all stayed at 12.8 volts, which is ten percent left according to the chart.

I do not know if the solar panels will last longer since they will no longer need to charge all day long like before. My plan is to run them twice. Once in the morning and once at night.

As for the month or so when the temperature is likely to drop below -4F -20C, this is a nifty 300 watt 12 volt heater I have that can be put in the battery box to keep it warm and working. $20


I recommend Missouri Wind and Solar Equipment,
Missouri Wind and Solar Equipment. Their windmills are state of the art. They now have dust proof models as well and can be bought on eBay or at their website MWANDS.COM. their windmills can withstand winds up to 125 mph for up to four hours before the coil burns, which is replaceable. I have run them from -30F to 115 F and they are designed to sit on the top of the great windmills and provide controller power. Their blades are unbreakable.

I get nothing from these companies for using and evaluating their products. I don't ask for anything in return.

I do however, ask for votes on Steemit with no down votes.


The System Ground Is Connected To The First Battery in the Circuit as is Wind and Solar Charge

(The black 1/0 stranded on the right)

Have a nice day and remember battery Charge/Discharge and grounding improves greatly in efficiency by placing the ground on the the first battery in the charging circuit and the output or discharge on the last battery of the circuit. In dry areas like deserts, ground rods must be regularly watered so grounding occurs. And grounding arrays connected in parallel make for more efficient electrical generation and discharge (output).

Again, have a nice day!

I intend to publish this in more than one community as a steem exclusive because I know that Steemit is filled with off gridders or at the high price of electricity, home power generation is desired by the poor, which is most of everyone.

Again have a nice day!

 9 months ago 

And this is fictional writing...? I'm confused ;-))

Panic set in. I was used to being driven nuts in order generate electricity in the middle of nowhere.
A lot of my exercise was:
1). Walking up two steps.
2). Opening the door.
3). Opening the storm door.
4). Closing both doors.
5). Descending three steps.
6). Turning left.
7). Walking around the battery box.
8). Opening the battery box.
9). Picking up a plastic pipe, tapping a solenoid, and making adjustments.
10). Reverse from step 8) to step 1).
11). Continually monitoring the system for the need to repeat steps 1) through steps 10).

Now, the shock of better technology trickles in and what am I now to do without the need to always think about charging problems?

Never a relaxing walk or a trip of any sort without complete planning to account for possibilities of system failure, working around the Red Neck Hovel. I am free. There is a God! There is liberty...and for that I am truly thankful.😜

 9 months ago 

Now get I panic ;-)))

Uh no, but then I asked you about dream keyword and you said...

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