Interview with a sixfold dolphin ;-)) / Interview mit einem sechsfachen Delfin ;-))

in Dream Steem5 months ago

Deutsch im Anschluß...

Hello, Dear Dreamers!

Allow me to ‘’misuse‘’ this Community today for a few non-fictional, personal remarks...

There has been little to read from me lately. In the three and a half years I've been here on the Steem, I've usually published an average of four to five posts a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but I've always kept the average around the same. In the last few months, my apparent presence has gradually decreased.

If you read my posts, you'll know why: the renovation of our future domicile is taking up time, nerves and energy. I've realised that I have to take good care of myself - get enough sleep, concentrate and balance. I continue to fulfil my duties as admin of this Community, I think. Everything else is on the back burner.

I don't feel bad about it; Steem has become part of my routine, but it's not vital or indispensable. I sometimes miss the people I'm connected to here, sometimes quite closely, when I'm too tired to look in. But I know they'll still be there the next day. So there's no rush...

What I want to say is: I'm here, everything is fine. There will be more active participation from my side again. Until then: life goes on.

In fact, quite incidentally and almost unnoticed, another dolphin has arrived in my pack. There are now six of them. A beautiful picture! Their numbers will continue to increase, no question. Not quite as quickly as in the busy months ;-)) But steadily.

Of course, the growth doesn't change my attitude and my standards, but: thank you! Without readers and followers, none of these cute little Flippers would have been possible!

I would like to take this opportunity to offer a kind of press conference, where you are the journalists ;-)) If you have any questions that haven't been answered anywhere yet or that I haven't answered sufficiently, if you have any curiosity, if there is anything you would like to know beyond my blog posts: Ask! Feel free to write your questions in the comments and I promise to answer seriously and as precisely as possible. Special questions deserve special responses ;-))

So: thank you once again for your interest in what I am doing. Thank you for your commitment here in the Community and thank you once again for your compassion and increasing participation in our charity project @dream.socialclub.

Have a wonderful evening and stay as social as you are!

Yours @weisser-rabe

Photo by Richard Barrett


Deutsche Version:

Hallo, liebe Träumer!

Gestattet mir, heute 'mal diese Community zu „mißbrauchen“ für ein paar nicht fiktionale, persönliche Bemerkungen…

In letzter Zeit gab es wenig zu lesen von mir. In den etwa dreieinhalb Jahren hier auf dem Steem habe ich im Schnitt meist vier bis fünf posts wöchentlich veröffentlicht. Manchmal mehr, manchmal auch weniger, aber den Schnitt habe ich immer etwa gehalten. In den letzten Monaten wurde es nach und nach weniger mit meiner offensichtlichen Präsenz.

Wenn Ihr meine Beiträge lest, wißt Ihr, woran das liegt: die Sanierung unseres künftigen Domizils frißt Zeit, Nerven und Power. Ich habe gemerkt, daß ich sehr auf mich achten muß – ausreichend Schlaf, Konzentration und Ausgleich. Meinen Obliegenheiten als Admin dieser Community komme ich weiter nach, denke ich. Alles weitere läuft auf Sparflamme.

Ich fühle mich nicht schlecht deswegen; der Steem ist Teil meiner Routine geworden, aber nicht lebensnotwendig und nicht unverzichtbar. Die Menschen, mit denen ich hier, teilweise recht eng, verbunden bin, fehlen mir manchmal, wenn ich zu müde bin, um noch hereinzuschauen. Aber ich weiß, sie sind am anderen Tag auch noch da. Hat also alles keine Eile…

Was ich sagen will: ich bin hier, es ist alles in Ordnung. Es wird auch wieder eine aktivere Beteiligung von meiner Seite geben. Bis dahin: das Leben geht weiter.

Tatsächlich ist ganz nebenbei und fast unbemerkt ein weiterer Delfin in meiner Rotte angekommen. Sechs sind es jetzt an der Zahl. Ein schönes Bild! Ihr Bestand wird sich weiter vermehren, keine Frage. Nicht ganz so schnell wie in den fleißigen Monaten ;-)) Aber stetig.

Der Zuwachs ändert natürlich nichts an meiner Attitüde und meinem Anspruch, aber: ich danke Euch! Ohne Leser und Follower wäre keins dieser possierlichen Tierchen erreichbar gewesen!

Ich möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen und eine Art Pressekonferenz anbieten, wobei Ihr die Journalisten seid ;-)) Solltet Ihr irgendeine Frage haben, die bislang noch nirgends zu Sprache kam oder die ich nicht ausreichend beantwortet habe, sollte Euch irgendeine Neugierde umtreiben, sollte es etwas geben, was Ihr gerne wissen wollt über meine Blogbeiträge hinaus: Fragt! Schreibt gerne Eure Fragen in die Kommentare und ich verspreche, ernsthaft und so präzise wie möglich zu antworten. Besondere Fragen verdienen besondere Auskünfte ;-))

Also: nochmals viele Dank für Eure Anteilnahme an dem, was ich so absondere. Vielen Dank für Euren Einsatz hier in der Community und einmal mehr vielen Dank für Euer Mitgefühl und die zunehmende Beteiligung an unserem Charity Projekt @dream.socialclub.

Habt einen wunderbaren Abend und bleibt so sozial, wie Ihr seid!

Euer @weisser-rabe


1:How did you end up making dream steem community?

2:And what is the thing people should follow in order to excel on steemit and in their writing(which you did)?

Good evening, Amina! Thank you for your questions ;-))

The creation of the Community was an idea of @dove11 and @damithudaya. They asked me to join as a third founder because I had already pursued similar plans elsewhere but had given up at the time. I was very happy to be persuaded. However, we didn't quite agree on what we wanted to do, so I initially took over the organisation and management alone. However, both of them have remained loyal friends and supporters. Dev has occasionally contributed to the development of the Community as a moderator and continues to do so as an author.

What I was most concerned about - and what I was able to establish quite well, I think: independence from formalities and regulations. I don't like the procedure of verifications and regulations for the external form of a contribution at all. We are authors, bloggers. We thrive on creativity and individuality. At least that's how it should be. Art is a very broad field. And I am convinced that you can only change things by doing them differently ;-))

What you can and should do as a Steemian: be real. Authentic, truthful and constant. You tell your story, your life, your day-to-day, your job, whatever is important: you take strangers into your own emotional world and maybe, just maybe, you make the world a better place (for a moment). I'm sure we can all learn a lot from each other. Another thing that makes sense from my point of view is to avoid stereotypes. If 150 people post photos of cute puppies, it's monotonous. If 200 people report on their failed online business, it's interchangeable. When 300 people describe the price development on the crypto market, it's probably clueless drivel in most cases... So be personal, approachable and open! That's the whole secret ;-))


I've read through your post along with all the comments that follow, and I have so much to share, to ask... This response could have waited, given everything I want to dive into, but I couldn't resist congratulating you right away. A more detailed, edited version will follow soon!


Well, here I come again. And congratulations once more! I don't have many questions for you; rather, I have a lot of reflections and opinions.

First of all, I’m genuinely impressed with your replies on posts. You have a knack for micro comments - short, crisp, and almost always hitting the nail on the head. You could easily be the queen of #microwrite ;)))

Secondly, I truly admire your style of communication and networking; it’s authentic and engaging, and it leaves a lasting impact.

Your ability to connect with others through just a few words shows your sharp wit and clear thinking. It's really refreshing to see someone who can say so much with so little.

Just a quick question, though I think I already know the answer. You mentioned this a long time ago, but the views about people can change over time ;)))

"Dearest @weisser-rabe, would you still have a cup of coffee with me, despite your usual aversion to meeting people? Am I still part of your circle?"

 4 months ago (edited)

Dearest @weisser-rabe, would you still have a cup of coffee with me, despite your usual aversion to meeting people? Am I still part of your circle?

Crazy girl!! ;-))


Whatever you want, whenever you want ;-))

Your upper words are warm showers to me. Thank you so much! That's exactly why I'm here.

Whatever you want, whenever you want ;-))

Awww... Can't stop blushing ☺️

You know, a house is your sanctuary, your solace, your sanctity. If you are willing to allow someone into that space, that person should feel honored. So yes, I feel honored!

Thank you very much, Maan! Of course I'm waiting... ;-))

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us. I understand you are busy renovating your new home and I appreciate the patience and persistence you show in managing the community.
Great to see your dolphin numbers continue to grow. Always a pleasure to read about your experiences and progress :)

 4 months ago 

Congrats on the sixth one and I am sure many more to follow. I know you would have well past the orca stage but for your engagement in the community and handling other accounts single-handedly—my best wishes.

Thank you very much! Mmmhh... Let's see if I want to become such a black and white, man-eating beast ;-))

First, best wishes for your sixth dolphin. Next I wish you more strength to work on your future home. 😀

Thanks a lot! Of course we will rock it!

This question might have already been asked in the comments somewhere, so if I'm repeating it, I apologize in advance:
How did you get started on Steem, and what was the beginning of your journey like?

Good evening, Alexander! Thank you very much for your question - which tempts me to take a trip down memory lane ;-))

I was made aware of this platform by @greece-lover in a large Facebook group (Urlaub gegen Hand / holidays against hand), in which I was and still am quite active. As I also write in real life and have published several books, the switch to the online medium of blogging was only a small step. I was given the right push and help to get started: tips and information about all the goings-on here on the Steem, a delegation of SP to get me started so that I wouldn't be restricted in my activities due to a lack of power. And - it was Corona... I suddenly had an infinite amount of time on my hands as I was hardly able to work. I effectively filled it with steeming.

I started by looking around the German-speaking world and very quickly discovered Deutsch Unplugged as my home Community. And I'm still watching my small following grow today. I have personal contact with almost all the authors on this list, and there have also been a few live encounters. I think Steem is a wonderful opportunity to really network. And after trying out a lot of things there, the step towards my own Community was logical at some point - as I said to Amina: if something bothers me, I have to try to change it. We are a slightly different Community and proud of it ;-))

The little time I’ve been on this space with you, I noticed you are a very busy lady both online and offline… do you ever have leisure time where you can hang out with family and friends?

Good evening, Samson! Thank you for the question ;-)) Sorry for responding so late...

It's been another two days like that... We were on the motorway all day, handling a removal and drudging like dockers... And that was fun! We slept well, did something good and helpful and learnt a lot. And that's my answer to your question - I think you could almost answer it yourself ;-)) I really enjoy my work, and blogging on Steem is also something I do purely for fun. Both take up a lot of time, but are satisfying. I have more interests, which I enjoy integrating into my everyday life. Sometimes I have the opportunity to ride to my construction sites or I work in an area where I can go hiking and climbing after work. I read when I get the chance, and music is on all day anyway. There's always enough time for gardening...

And then there are a lot of things that I don't feel like doing at all or that I wouldn't even consider doing. Hanging out with friends is one of them. I don't go out, I don't eat in restaurants or drink in pubs. Due to my social phobia, my aversion to people around me, I don't value socialising at all. It's not that I don't have the time, but I don't have the need ;-))

When I need time for myself, I take it. At the moment, I'm more reserved online because my priorities have shifted. I don't feel any obligation or pressure to submit to certain regularities: one can actually live freedom ;-))

Publishing more than five times a week must have been stressful. There must have been a moment when you were almost discouraged at the beginning? How were you able to keep it up? Or you were not?

Good evening, Esther! Thank you for your question ;-))

And my answer is: no! Why should I have been discouraged? Why would I need courage at all? I've always been writing. I'll continue to do so, even if the Steem gets boring or I misplace my keys or can no longer recognise the keyboard on my PC. I write because it's part of me. What does that have to do with encouragement or stress or frustration?

There are frustrating moments on the Steem. But they are not related to writing...
I'm talking about users who jostle their way through the Steem with three-word posts. Of intrusive requests to vote for each other. Of administrators who pursue their own ends with the stake of the Community (its members!). Of helpless attempts to generate a little income - without being able to write at all... I feel this frustration, sometimes more and sometimes less. But it has nothing to do with what I myself do here. I am simply me ;-))

Thanks for the clarification ✨



Congratulations!!🎉🎉 Your post has been upvoted by TEAM 04 (STEEMIT EXPLORERS) using steemcurator06. Continue making creative and quality content on the blog. By @mikitaly