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RE: Interview with a sixfold dolphin ;-)) / Interview mit einem sechsfachen Delfin ;-))

in Dream Steem5 months ago

This question might have already been asked in the comments somewhere, so if I'm repeating it, I apologize in advance:
How did you get started on Steem, and what was the beginning of your journey like?


Good evening, Alexander! Thank you very much for your question - which tempts me to take a trip down memory lane ;-))

I was made aware of this platform by @greece-lover in a large Facebook group (Urlaub gegen Hand / holidays against hand), in which I was and still am quite active. As I also write in real life and have published several books, the switch to the online medium of blogging was only a small step. I was given the right push and help to get started: tips and information about all the goings-on here on the Steem, a delegation of SP to get me started so that I wouldn't be restricted in my activities due to a lack of power. And - it was Corona... I suddenly had an infinite amount of time on my hands as I was hardly able to work. I effectively filled it with steeming.

I started by looking around the German-speaking world and very quickly discovered Deutsch Unplugged as my home Community. And I'm still watching my small following grow today. I have personal contact with almost all the authors on this list, and there have also been a few live encounters. I think Steem is a wonderful opportunity to really network. And after trying out a lot of things there, the step towards my own Community was logical at some point - as I said to Amina: if something bothers me, I have to try to change it. We are a slightly different Community and proud of it ;-))

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