Understanding Drug Addiction and Smoking

in #drug8 years ago

Drugs is an abbreviation of narcotics and drug / hazardous materials. In addition to "drugs", another term that was introduced in particular by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is a drug which is an abbreviation of narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances.

All of these terms, whether "drug" or "drug" refers to a group of compounds generally have a risk of addiction for users. According to health experts, the drug is actually a psychotropic compounds commonly used to anesthetize patients when they want surgery or drugs for diseases now.
however perceptions were misinterpreted due to the use of outside designation and proper dosage.

effects of Drugs

Hallucinogens, the effects of the drug can result when consumed in a few specific doses can lead a person to be air-hallucinations to see a thing / object that does not exist / is not real example, cocaine and LSD

Stimulant, the effects of drugs that can lead to the body organs like the heart and brain work faster than usual, resulting in one's work is more powerful for a while, and tend to make a user more happy and excited for a while

Depressants, the effects of drugs that can suppress the central nervous system and reduces the functional activity of the body, so that users feel at ease even can make the wearer sleep and unconsciousness. Examples of heroin

Addictive, Someone who has been taking drugs usually will want and want more for certain substances in drugs result in a person tend to be passive, because the drug indirectly decide the nerves in the brain, such as marijuana, heroin, heroin

If it is too long and has been drug dependency then gradually organ in the body are damaged and if it exceeds the dose so that users will overdose and eventually death

The dangers of drug abuse for the human body

Generally all types of drugs, if misused will give four following impacts:

Users will be asleep or unconscious.
Users will hallucinations (seeing things that are not there).
Accelerate the body organs like the heart and brain so that the wearer feel more energetic for a while. Because the organs continue to be forced to work beyond the normal limits, in the long nerves could be damaged and result in death.
Users will feel addicted so that it will do everything possible to continue to consume. If the user can not get it, his body will be in a critical condition (withdrawal).

As for the dangers of drugs by type is as follows:

    severe depression
    excessive tiredness
    lazy to move
    much sleep
    always felt suspicious
    heart rate quickened
    Excessive joy
    a lot of talk but lisp
    increased self-esteem
    pupils shrink
    increased blood pressure
    cold sweats
    nausea to vomiting
    injuries to the nasal septum
    loss of appetite
    weight loss
    heart rate quickened
    Excessive joy
    increased self-esteem
    talk too much
    dilated pupils
    cold sweats
    nausea to vomiting
    easy fight
    bleeding in the brain
    deep vein thrombosis
    uncontrollable eye movements
    stiffness of neck muscles
    puffy eyes
    bags under the eyes look puffy and red and watery
    hearing impaired
    always laughing
    sometimes quick to anger
    not excited
    bones brittle teeth
    nerves of the brain and the optic nerve is damaged
    energetic but his eyes glazed and his face pale,
    hard to sleep
    brain damage
    liver disorders
    bone and tooth loss
    no appetite
    the optic nerve is damaged
    hard to sleep
    hard thinking
    brain damage, especially the nerves that control breathing to feel shortness of breath
    talk too much
    heart rate quickened
    cerebral hemorrhage
    shock the heart blood vessels that will lead to death.
    facial redness
    a lot of talk but lisp
    easy to get angry
    impaired concentration
    damage to body organs especially the brain

Hazardous substances in Cigarettes:

  1. Nicotine

This substance containing opium can cause a person addicted to smoking cigarettes trus

The influence of the human body:

Cause addiction / dependency
Damage brain tissue
Hardening of the arterial wall
Causing rapid blood clot

  1. Tar
    The manufacture of asphalt that can attach to the lungs and can cause irritation and even cancer

The influence of the human body:

Killing of cells in blood vessels
Increasing production of mucus-lung diparu
Cause lung cancer

  1. Carbon Monoxide
    Gas that can cause heart disease because this gas can bind oxygen in the body.

The influence of the human body:

Bind to hemoglobin, so the body is deprived of oxygen
Hinder transport in the blood

  1. Substance Carcinogen
    The influence of the human body:

Trigger the growth of cancer cells in the body

  1. Substance Irritant

Pollute the airways and air sacs in the lungs
cause coughing

Foreign substances such harmful is a substance contained in the SMOKE, and there are 4000 chemicals contained in a piece CIGARETTE, 40 were classified as a hazardous substance, for example: hydrogen cyanide (HCN), arsenic, ammonia, polonium, and carbon monoxide ( CO).

Dangers of smoking

  1. Heart disease

Smoking causes atherosclerosis, or hardening of the blood vessels. This condition is the buildup of fatty substances in the arteries, fat and plaque block the flow of blood and makes blood vessel narrowing. This leads to heart disease.

The heart has to work harder and the extra pressure can cause angina or chest pain. If one or more arteries become completely blocked, a heart attack can occur.

The more cigarettes smoked and the longer a person smokes, the greater her chance of developing heart disease or suffering a heart attack or stroke.

  1. Pulmonary Disease
    The risk of getting pneumonia, emphysema and chronic bronchitis increased due to smoking. The disease is often referred to as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Lung disease can progress and get worse over time until the person eventually died of the condition. People aged 40 years could get emphysema or bronchitis, but the symptoms will usually be * much worse later on, according to the American Cancer Society.

  1. Lung cancer and other cancers
    Paru2 cancer has long been associated dg dangers of smoking, which may also lead to other cancers such as mouth, voice box, or larynx, throat and esophagus. Smoking is also linked to cancers of the kidney, bladder, stomach pancreas, cervix and cancer of the blood (leukemia).

  2. Diabetes
    Smoking increases the risk of diabetes, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Smoking can also cause complications of diabetes rises, such as eye disease, heart disease, stroke, vascular disease, kidney disease and foot problems.

  3. Impotence
    Smoking is a major risk factor for peripheral vascular disease, which narrows blood vessels that carry blood throughout the body. The blood vessels to p3nis may also be affected because it is small and blood vessels that can lead to erectile dysfunction / impotence.

  4. Cause Blindness
    A person who smoke pose an increased risk of macular degeneration that causes blindness experienced by older people. In the studies which was published in the 'Archives of Ophthalmology' in 2007 found that people smoke are four times more likely than nonsmokers to develop macular degeneration, which damage the macula, the center of the retina, and destroys the sharp central vision.

  5. mouth disease

Mouth disease caused by smoking include cancers of the mouth, throat cancer, dental disease, diseases of the teeth and breath.

  1. Impaired Fetus

Smoking adversely impact the reproductive health and the fetus in the womb and pregnancy, including infertility (infertility), miscarriage, fetal death, low birth weight babies are born, and sudden infant death syndrome.

  1. Respiratory Disorders

Smoking increases the risk of death from chronic lung disease up to tenfold. Approximately 90% of deaths due to chronic lung disease caused by smoking.

As the nation's youth and demanded a more active role in the country, it's good we can understand and follow the campaign 'no smoking' campaign not only on the day May 31, but every day and every moment.

Mirisnya, this time smoking has been consumed by children under age and has become a 'must' in the sense that they've been smoking opium against them. They seemed liberated by a cigarette they smoked.

If only you are one of those who actively smoke, try to quit smoking by doing the following manner. The important thing to do in smoking cessation is INTENTIONS earnest.

How to Quit Smoking

  1. Think if you are severely ill by smoking, which almost led to Death Disease (The most powerful way)
  2. Learn to hate cigarettes
  3. Mix with people who do not smoke
  4. More often go to places that are air-conditioned office
  5. Move all of the items associated with smoking.
  6. If you want to smoke, wait for another 10 minutes.
  7. Tell a friend and closest people if we want to stop smoking.
  8. Reduce jumplah smoke little by little.
  9. Remove the habit Bengong or wait.
  10. Frequently go to the hospital, in order to know the importance of health.
  11. Find cigarette substitute, such as candy or sugar.
  12. Try and try again if they fail.
  13. earnest intention to quit smoking

Drug Side Effects and Characteristics
Narcotic effects depends on the dosage, use, previous usage and user expectations. In addition to medical uses for treating pain, cough and acute diarrhea, the drug produces a feeling of "more is better" known as euphoria by reducing psychological stress. This effect may lead to dependence. Physical signs can be seen from the sign - the physical pins of the user, such as:

  1. Cracking lips.
  2. Dry mouth.
  3. Lips colored brown.
  4. unnatural behavior
  5. His speech is garbled
  6. Power memory decline
  7. The red eyes.
    There were also signs of children who have been using narcotics can be seen from several things, among others:
  8. The child becomes moody and reclusive
  9. The boy's face was pale and haggard
  10. There is a strange smell which is unusual in a child's room
  11. watery eyes and his hands trembling
  12. breath of breath and spur bed
  13. His body was listless and restless
  14. Children become irritable, angry, like to challenge parents
    Then how to know that a family member so that drug addicts? Admin Sedana article provides convenient features known in drug addicts:
    => Addicts cannabis: Tend shabby, red eyes, eyelids mengattup continue, fond of eating because the stomach feel hungry continues, laughing funny if in conversation.
    => Addicts putauw: Often alone in a dark place while hearing music, lazy bath for body condition is always cold, thin bodies, shriveled and always apathetic towards the opposite sex.
    => Addicts inex or ecstasy: Love out of the house, always cheerful when I hear the music house, the face looks tired, like chapped lips and a body like sweating, often insecure after inex effect is lost.
    => Addicts methamphetamine: easily agitated and awkward to do anything, rarely willing eyes when spoken, the eyes are often darting, the character dominant suspicious, especially in people who are new, sweaty body despite being in the air-conditioned room, Like angry and sensitive.

Thus Understanding Drugs and Smoker, Background addicts, and Characteristics


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