The War On Drugs In Afghanistan. What war?

in #drugs7 years ago

In 2000 the leader of the Afghan Taliban Mullah Mohammad Omar, issued an edict banning cultivation of the Opium poppy because it was 'un-Islamic', with anyone caught growing the crop being severely punished. When the Taliban say severe they must mean it. Look at the drop off in area cultivated for the year 2001 in the graph below. 82,172 hectares in 2000 dropped to only 7,606 hectares in 2001. That's a drop of 91% in a single year. Now that's how you fight a war on drugs if you really mean it.

If you want to get a bit more raw data on this you can read the UN survey/report from 2000 here and for the year 2001 here. For those interested, all reports between 2000 and 2017 can be found here

The United States invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 and it isn't difficult to see what impact this had on opium cultivation but the story doesn't end there. Stories started coming out in 2015 about a new strain of poppy seeds that had been delivered to farmers all over Afghanistan that produced plants that "grow bigger, faster, use less water than seeds they've used before, and give up to double the amount of opium". Here's a link to a story covering this.

Where did the seeds come from? Nobody knows but it doesn't take a genius to work out that they were probably genetically modified and GM seeds aren't the sort of thing that your average Afghan farmer can produce in his backyard.

People need to wake up to the fact that the US government (more specifically the CIA) control the drug supply in Afghanistan and the money raised is used to fund black ops and some of the more dirty wars the US gets involved in. This isn't a new thing either. They've got their hands in the drug pie all over the world. Remember back in 2007 when a CIA plane crashed in Mexico with over four tonnes of cocaine on board? Here's a link to a story about it.

More people need to start waking up to how the world really works before WW3 starts. I think the tide might be turning judging by the reaction of many to the ridiculous and obvious set up for invasion of Syria by the United States when they said Syria was about to launch a chemical weapons attack, but unfortunately there are still millions who are sufficiently brainwashed and apathetic to believe it.


Thank you for talking about this. We can bring all of this corruption and devastation to an end by ending prohibition - all of it. It would end incentives for these thugs and it would allow users to get more help and suffer less harm.

Thanks for reading and replying. I'm glad I posted it because there have been comments from like minded people such as yourself who I now follow and would otherwise not have known about.

Agreed. The biggest reason why the "War on Drugs" is such a big money spinner is because it drives the entire client-base underground to produce ripe grounds for a shadow economy to thrive.

The war is a scam, simply put, and demonstrably so (my LinkedIn article further down these comments elaborates on such).

Thus a paradigm shift is necessary - and you are on the right track!

This is a great post. I have wondered whether Afghanistan was invaded specifically because of the Taliban ending opium production. That dramatically hurt the CIA and related mobsters where it counts - the wallet.

Sorry bout no upvote, but my vote power is below 4% LOL I am on a diet.

I'll resteem to make up for it!

Thanks for taking the time to read and reply and for the reesteem. Hopefully there will be a lot more people like yourself who start wondering and looking into the matter for themselves.

I upvoted for you VC. I saw you resteem, thank you. I've also left a separate comment with a short explanation of why Afghanistan was invaded that you might enjoy.

The two main reasons for invading Afghanistan was to ramp up and control the opium production and get heroin addiction rising, they were successful.

The other reason was so that they could build an oil pipeline to move oil from Azerbaijan and Central Asia through Afghanistan and on to Pakistan and India, they were again successful.

The US invaded on 10/7/2001 - less than 4 weeks after the 9/11 attack. The US already had it's warships in the region and it's supply lines, logistics and battle plans drawn up long before 9/11.

The US ordered the Taliban to hand over bin Laden and expel al-Qaeda. The Taliban said that they would extradite bin Laden but asked to see evidence of his involvement in 9/11. The US refused to supply the evidence because they didn't have any so they just invaded instead and most of the world applauded them for doing so.

Then they turned to Iraq, today it is on Syria and tomorrow it will be Iran.

You've got it bang on !!! Following you because the truth will set us free. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

I was reading today that Taliban banned pedophelia (a strong culture in that country) and punished anyone who was found guilty. Afghan boys are used by lusty men for their sexual desires and it's a common knowledge.

My point is; if Taliban banned poppy, banned pedophelia then why did US attack Afghanistan? Your post makes more sense than ever!

Thank you @jimbobbill, for the rather startling exposition on the CIA's involvement in global drug dealing.

I have recently been doing some looking into the so-called "War on Drugs" myself. The following hits closer to home for the United States of America.

It is not my intention to spam your post - as I feel that the information provides a different but complimentary angle.

(If anybody feels that my commenting practices can improve though - I appreciate the guidance.)

Thanks for taking the time to read and reply. I've just opened the link and am about to read it. The supposed US war on drugs is an interesting topic and opens up a whole world of information that has been hidden from the public.

Thanks for giving it a read-through. I also delve into a solution to the "war on drugs" (well I do in the article linked within it) - but I know that my approach is not for everybody. :c) I really want to expand upon a suggestion or two in comments - but would like to give it at least a modestly comparable degree of research.

One step at a time.

So @pathforger is James Cauchi?

James Cauchi is owned by @pathforger, yes. ;c)

He prefers to call himself a path forger - and can occasionally refer to himself in the third person. ;cP

The Taliban does not exist as we have been told in the west by the TV.
Back in '79 when the soviets were lured into Afghanistan by the manipulations of z. brezinski, the Taliban (students), were armed and organized to fight them.
This has always made me wonder, why did they do this?
40 years later I think we can all see that the divide between Muslims and the West has been totally contrived.

Yeah, we see soldiers guarding it, but don't pay any more attention as to why that's happening ... lol. Resteemed and 100% upvote ;)

I know. It's blatant yet people seem oblivious. The British Army are guarding poppy fields for the deep state yet I'm supposed to support my troops. Go figure ;-) Thanks for the upvote/resteem.

Interesting post. Thanks.
Voted etc

Thanks for reading/voting

Great article man! of course drugs are important in wars, look at ww2 and amphetamines

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