When Getting Tough On Drugs Doesn't Even Work In Prisons

in #drugwar6 years ago (edited)

The last place that you might expect to find narcotics is within the walls of a high-security prison facility.

In order to keep drugs out of the community, we just need to get tougher, we need more cameras, more laws, more security. If you've built yourself a fortress of security, then surely there's no way for narcotics to make it through the doors.

And yet, we've seen various reports that have come out detailing overdoses of inmates, which have illuminated the fact that drugs still make their way into prisons, despite the restrictive nature and high-level security of the venue.

And if the inmates can't gain access to drugs on the outside, they'll quickly resort to using whatever they can obtain on the inside to try and get the job done.

Getting tough doesn't keep the product out.

The threat of criminalization just incentivizes individuals to come up with more creative ways to try and achieve their goals.

The prisons around the United States are filled with individuals who have been charged with crimes relating to drug use and possession etc, and yet the system can't even keep drugs out of their revenge correctional facilities.

Get caught for drugs and go to prison, where you'll end up getting more access to drugs.

The war on drugs has proven that it cannot keep drugs out of homes in the community, schools, off the streets, or even out of prisons.

It's time to acknowledge the failures and consider that the billions of dollars that's being spent on this pipe dream has been too much, for too long, and has ruined millions of lives in the process. The war on drugs has arguably done nothing but make matters worse in that the actions involved have helped expand drug networks, reduce prices, and increase prevalence. How many more decades are we going to pretend like this has been a good decision? The evidence of failure is clear, despite the personal preferences and financial incentives of some who would prefer to continue with the status quo.


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The largest post-prison program is drug rehab.
Drug rehab after prison?

Yep, people get enough drugs in prison to become addicted.

And, to properly think about this, the number of people using any drug in a city... what is the quantity they are using?

All the cop shows show drug deals with a suitcase of drugs.
This is false.

Think of all the people that have to be in on it for a semi-truck to drive into a city every day.

Drugs are big business. Last year the cops "stole" more money from people than the amount of theft reported from burglary.

The laws trying to stop a problem usually causes more problems than the actual problem, maybe we should let the "problem" be?

Before I became a patrol officer, I started out and worked in a detention center. I had an inmate offer me $200.00 to bring in a pack of Newport cigarettes for him.

His hustle was to take one regular cigarette, break it down and make 7 smaller "pin" cigarettes. He could sell each pin cigarette for 10 dollars. That means that he could make $1,400.00 from a 5 dollar pack of cigarettes.

He thought that I was crazy for turning down the offer and said it would be the easiest money that I would ever make. I told him that he was right. But $200.00 wasn't worth my reputation and possibly losing my career. And if I was to get caught doing that, I would be ruined. No other agency would hire me and everything that I worked so hard and went to school for would be gone. So in essence, $200.00 doesn't look that appealing.

State prisons are notorious for corrupt guards doing this sort of thing. Then when an inmate gets transferred from a prison to a county jail for a trial or whatever, that inmate is likely to have contraband hidden in his anal cavity. He will poop it out and now you have drugs in your county jail. Happens all the time. Not just drugs either. Cell phones and weapons are smuggled in also.

For profit prison systems aren't meant to fix the problem, they are meant to create good return customers. Until this country stops approaching things from the direction of profit at the cost of humanity, this shit will only get worse.

✨✨imagine.. if adults could figure out a way to organize and fund it voluntarily ✨✨