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RE: A Strange And Beautiful Flower /// Dark experimental sound poem

in #dsound7 years ago

I had an experience like this years ago, i was in a new relationship and i don't ever remember going to sleep, but i do remember i woke up and there was a rose on my bed, and i called him and asked had he been there, he told me no, to this day, I don't know if I just went crazy for a moment or what. Love your writings and art, each style from you and @vachemorte 's movie to the poem here today. Alwats look forward to reading and experiencing art through others eyes, thank you!!


Oh that's sort of creepy and sort of sweet maybe 😯 Thank you!

It was definitely creepy, I really thought he was playing with me he held onto him never being in my apartment, who knows what happened, but I will always remember that experience.

Change all your locks and be safe...That is if you have flowers still appearing unannounced. Some might say it's romantic, but I would say it is not safe... and yes creepy also.. Our next film: The flowers that drank the moon.

I left the city and moved on down the road, I thought it was quite creepy! the movie would be awesome no doubt about that!

"The flowers that drank the moon" is a fictionnal movie mentionned in a funny line from the movie Ghostworld. Julia know about it already and now you are in the loop too.