A Moment in Your Life - THIS SONG SAVED 3 PEOPLE'S LIVES - Find out why...

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)

An Uplifting, Conscious tune to help shift perspective and feel good about life! When this song was first aired on a popular fm radio (99.9 Bay FM) station last year, someone called in to the station to say she was just about to take her own life when this song came on and stopped her. It gave her a moment. A precious moment to shift perspective. That was my hope for this song. **TO SAVE A LIFE**

And if it could save just 1 person's life then it would be worth it. I am so grateful that it has done this...

___ (*I don’t say any of that to impress you, but rather, to impress upon you that music and any art that is made with conscious intention, has the power to help heal*)

I penned this song as heartfelt, comforting advice to a friend that was going through very hard times and couldn't see their way out of the black dog of depression,
But the honest truth is that it wasn't just that.
You see, at around the same time, I was going through the heartbreak of the end of a long-term relationship, but instead of having the emotions swallow me up, I found an incredible cleansing freedom in the intense emotions I was experiencing. I allowed the tears to wash me clean of the cause of the pain I was feeling in that moment.
Every moment is just a moment.
Everything comes in waves.
The good.
The bad.
They ebb and flow like the waves of life.
Sometimes we're up, but the good times don't last.
Sometimes we're down, but the bad times don't last.
When we're in those down times it's so important not to make an assessment our life.

Because it isn't the entire truth of your life or who you are.
As the lyric of the chorus poignantly illustrates:

"Now hold your head up high,
'Cause it's your life,
It's just a moment in your life,
Don't focus on that strife,
Just let go & you will see,
This too shall pass,
And it's your life,
It's just a moment in your life,
Don't let the moment define who you are,
'cause in truth YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!"

I know you hear many say, "just reach out" etc. and I know how hard that is to do when you feel like you are stuck in a deep, dark hole and just wish someone could reach in and pull you out into the light, but, whether you believe it or not, your life is directed by you and you can talk to someone.

If you're too embarrassed to open up to a friend or feel like you don't have any 'real' friends - believe me, most of us feel that way-, then reach out to one of the many free depression or suicide hotlines in your country and speak to someone there.
It can really, truly make a difference.
Besides, you may as well try that as an option.

If you know or suspect that someone you know may be too shy or embarrassed to admit they're going through some form of mental illness such as depression or anxiety, be the one to reach out to them because you could literally rescue someone from a dark place.

Anyway, I wish you well my friend.
I hope this song lifts you up.
Or, if you know someone who could use a melodic upliftment then please do share this with them or post it on your social media for all your network to see, because you never know who's in need of a positive outlook.

Many people hide their sadness,

so help make them feel good by sharing this tune,
by giving them -and yourself- a smile,
by being a friendly, compassionate ear that will listen to them when they may need it most.

You are the key to making this world a better, more beautiful, compassionate and amazing place.

Thank you for listening and for being uniquely you!

This song is a single from my album, WAVES OF LIFE, which is dedicated to raising awareness and funds for depression and suicide prevention.

30% of album sales goes to Suicide Prevention.

Available anywhere in the world here if you feel you want to support even more:

I felt that I wanted carry that pledge over to this Steemit release as well.
So 30% of what you upvote here goes to the Suicide Prevention account.

Do you want to see the music video for this? Please let me know by commenting below

If this dsound link is dead, please click this [Musicoin link](musicoin.org/nav/track/0xdc8cd941953c23d55b2a36bd9fd7633289e77e1f) to listen to the song.

Blessings and good vibes,
Nathan Kaye

Copyright of the song is © Nathan Kaye 2013. All right reserved.
Copyright of this recording is © & ℗ Nathan Kaye 2016. All rights reserved.

Please follow the Prevent Suicide Steemit account Prevent-Suicide-logo-1.jpg.
If you have blog posts that is about helping people survive depression, anxiety and/or suicide, please send me a message on the Prevent Suicide discord channel Prevent-Suicide-discord-logo-2.jpg

Please make sure you vote for @pfunk, @ausbitbank as witnesses here: steemit.com/~witnesses. These dudes do lotsa good.

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(because I'm hoping you're about to ).
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please do click upvote, click resteem, click follow and comment.
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![Mental advisory Conscious lyrics.jpg](steemitimages.com/DQmVbp65sxEXVLB7yo9g3qXBduyeXag2zZLJUfi1LzvV9Wf/Mental%20advisory%20Conscious%20lyrics.jpg)

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Don't focus on that strife, Just let go & you will see, This too shall pass...

Beautiful again my friend! Thanks!

Thanks so much @zyx066 Winston.
I appreciate that so much mate.

This post was so uplifting that I kinda teared up. My boyfriend killed himself two months ago while drunk after his grandmother died and I was beside myself with grief, some days I still am. Depression is such a demon to live with and I can't say that I knew exactly what he was going through on a daily basis. I wish he had held on just a little while longer because everything that happens in life is only temporary. If you are going through something difficult you will come out the other side if you give it enough time. Losing loved ones to suicide is so hard to deal with and you wonder if you could have done something more to help them. Good for you to use your music to touch others lives in such a way that you are able to save them. Keep up the great work!

Wow! I'm so sorry to hear that @socent. That's an extremely intense thing to have to process and so recently. My deep, sincere condolences for your loss and thank you so much for honestly and bravely sharing this here.
You're right. They just have to wait. Just pause. It's just a wave of life.
When I was 13 my older brother came so close to dying from suicide. If we hadn't gotten him to hospital in time he wouldn't have gone on to being offered a PHD degree in optometry at Oxford University nor spend so many times meditating with Tibetan monks and lamas in India and become a father and so on. He had no idea what kind of amazing things he would go on to do and be in this life in that moment when he thought life wasn't worth it and how he wanted the inner pain needed to stop.
The best any of us can do is remind ourselves and each that we are important, we do have soul-purpose, and that good times don't last and bad times don't last either, because these are the waves of life...
Blessings to you...

Thanks @nathankaye. Your words are very kind. Its a lot to deal with but I am trying to make it through. The first month was awful but as time goes on I am trying to live my life in such a way that he would be proud of me. I feel like that is what he would want. That is amazing that your brother was able to go on to do so many wonderful things with his life. We all should remember that we are here for a reason and to fulfill a purpose. Until we have fulfilled our purpose then we are not meant to leave this Earth. I hope and pray that wherever my boyfriend is now that he is happy and at peace. That's my greatest hope.
Blessings to you as well!

Cool song with powerful lyrics. Thanks for sharing. Everything is temporary and suicide is permanent. Hope you can save more lives.

Well said, my friend, and thank you so much @soundwavesphoton.

That music saves a life (or more) is such an achievement and so special. I tend to hide my sorrow and sometimes it tastes bitter, and yes there Have been moments where I needed to talk and let go but would feel ashamed of annoying. I have found my strength on the way though. Song sounds great, chorus is mellow but catchy and I really like the lyrics and subtle delay fx here and there. And yes, we want the video

Saving a life with song is just a testament that music is so powerful. It touches places within us that mere words on their own struggle to touch without the conduit of melodic frequencies.
I'm happy that you found your strength along your path.
And thanks so much for noticing the little production elements.

Ok, I'll publish the music video for this on Steemit soon...

Powerful as always mate... there are so many times in our life these are the exact words we need to hear...

Thank you so much, dear friend.
You manage to convey so much with so little words. :)

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