Azra - The Ultimate Collection - First Part

in #dtube7 years ago

  1. Balkan (The Balkans)
  2. A, šta da radim (What am I supposed to do)
  3. Krvava Meri (Bloody Merry)
  4. Tople usne žene (Warm lips of woman)
  5. Vrijeme odluke (Time of decision)
  6. Gracija (Gracia(thanks on Italian))
  7. Marina (Marina)
  8. Lijepe žene prolaze kroz grad (Pretty women passing though the town)
  9. Poziv na ples (Invitation on dance)
    10.Užas je moja furka (Horror is my thing)
    11.Fa-fa-fa (Fa-fa-fa)
    12.Kurvini sinovi (Sons of bitches)
    13.Bankrot mama (Bankrupt mom)
    14.Poljska u mome srcu (Polish in my heart)
    15.Gospodar samoće (Master of loneliness)
    16.Sunčana strana ulice (Sunny side of the street)
    17.Odlazak u noć (Going in the night)
    18.Volim te kad pričaš (I love when you talk)
    19.Tko to tamo pjeva (Who's singing there)
    20.Proljeće 13. u decembru (Spring 13 December)
    21.Johnny budi dobar(live) (Johnny be good)
    22.Ravno do dna(live) (Straight to the bottom)
    23.Obrati pažnju na posljednju stvar(Get ready for the last thing)

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