Azra - The Ultimate Collection - Second Part

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

24.Ako znaš bilo što (If you know anything)
25.Kao ti i ja (Like you and me)
26.Život običnog tempa (Life of normal tempo)
27.Ljudi samoće (People solitude)
28.Filigranski pločnici (Filigree sidewalks)
29.E, pa što (And, so what)
30.Sloboda (Freedom)
31.Kao i jučer (Just like yesterday)
32.Kad fazani lete (When pheasants are flying)
33.Nemir i strast (Restlessness and passion)
34.Plavi golub (Blue pigeon)
35.3N (3N)
36.Klinček stoji pod oblokom(trad.) (Kid is standing under the window)
37.Duboko u tebi (Deep inside you)
38.Nešto između (Something in between)
39.Flash (Flash)
40.Mamica su štrukle pekli(trad.) (Mommies were baking cakes)
41.Vaše veličanstvo (Your majesty)
42.Kada stvari krenu loše (When things go wrong)
43.2:30 (2:30 am)
44.Bez mene (Without me)
45.Jesi li sama večeras(live) (Are you alone tonight)
46.Kraj (The End)

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