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RE: [Acid Plays] Diablo 3 - Act 3 feat. Strawhat
Do you have an Xbox and play Fortnite or FIFA 18? If you do let me know and we can play together one time! Setting up a STEEM stream team.
Do you have an Xbox and play Fortnite or FIFA 18? If you do let me know and we can play together one time! Setting up a STEEM stream team.
Acid is a PC gamer, he has forsaken any and all gaming consoles :(
PC ftw! :D
LOL, I guess I will have to set my old PC back up huh (Sent you a DM on too)
Not a relevant comment for here, but I tried to ask you the other day if you were cool if I used your AskSteemit tag/idea for a post of mine and didn't get a response. I just made it, but if you were trying to keep that as your own series or wanted it to stay more related to crypto in general just let me know and I'll change my tag and title :)