The Information War is Over and We Have Lost. Change My Mind.

in #dtube5 years ago


The ability to view alternative ideas and contrary opinions and come to our own conclusions is the basis of cognitive liberty. Big tech is now turning the screws and making sure that no one using their platforms will find these alternative viewpoints. Sure, there will be ways to get this information out, but most people will never even know that it exists. This battle in the information war has been lost. Change my mind.

▶️ DTube

Goonies never die bro.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

-Margaret Mead

Don't worry James, the "information war" is not even close to being over. The establishment loves this Hegalian dialectic. They break their own rules through proxies to push their agenda in the exact direction they choose.

Some examples:
The deliberate releasing of hacker software to justify more cyber security programs.

The Patriot Act

Ezra Pound and his stooge, Eustice Mullins. They started the whole "end the fed" psy-op for the etsablishment.

Revolution is super profitable. The more "woke warriors", the more funding to tamp them down. Kids today are born into virtual reality.
A solution would require laws to ban any attempt to disturb an oasis that does not exist yet. They operate on generational paradigms and the public operates on a daily one.

You speak the truth. Most people can't even remember what they ate the day before for breakfast, so when they learn that an organized cabal has ruled humanity for hundreds (potentially thousands) of years their first instinct is to reject the idea in order to protect their pitiful sense of self-love. After all, from the normies' perspective, "n-n-nobody can plan that far ahead!"

But I disagree with you about Ezra Pound. Having read his writings and being a fan of his poetry, I think the guy genuinely wanted to improve things. Sure, the system he proposed (Douglas' Social Credit) would spell doom when combined with the Internet of Things, but he obviously couldn't predict that technology would have advanced this much.

Mullins, on the other hand, yeah, he's a known CIA plant.

We humans are dual beings: we are a body and we are a consciousness.

As bodies, we are a physical object, and that gives us an extension and a mass, like all physical objects. We get hurt, we suffer cold and heat, we need to eat, we deteriorate and so on.

On the other hand, as a consciousness, by not being a physical object, you're immune to all of the above. If I were to cut all your limbs, that would hurt, sure, but your consciousness would be completely unaffected. I can't "cut" it like I can cut your body.

However, consciousness has its own set of vulnerabilities. Specifically, consciousness has one main weakness which overshadows whatever weakness our body may have.

We humans, as conscious beings, are primarily vulnerable to CONSPIRACIES.

We are born into this world with absolutely no prior knowledge. Everything we learn, we learn it from the outside.

Therefore, whoever controls the "outside" also controls the "inside" (i.e. our consciousness).

The only way out of this is to teach children that nothing should ever be taken for granted, and that if something seems too simple to be true, it probably is.

Being suspicious should become the natural state of humanity. We need to achieve what the ancient skeptics called Epoché: a complete "suspension of judgement" when it comes to the outside world.

That's the only way out that I can think of when "they" have complete control of the information world.

I cannot change your mind. I agree....sadly. Wait until the next generation of transhumanist robots, after all the -old- ones have gone... It is sad to peer into where this path leads.

This battle in the information war has been lost. Change my mind.

Some may say that the battle has barely begun, Brother.

Those screws, of which you speak, have been tightening since Gates' dumbing down of computer users; offering a proprietary corporate point and click as its shipped OS. At the very least prepping for the battle... training computer literacy in support of corporate controlled proprietary software. That defence line has been breached by open source.

Hell, even the rocksDB package which runs on a steem witness node is a fork made by Fakebook from the Open Source project, levelDB

If they begin to block ips we'll run our own DNS'. Hell in my BBS Admin experience from the 80's we could guarentee email east coast to west in no more that two days on metered calls. Hope it don't get back to that. 😆

Keep faith, Comrade. The battle is greatly in flux and natural forces of technology shape it just as well as humankind.