
Hey Graig!
you are the one who inspired me to get even more involved in crypto.
You are the one who inspired me to get involved in genesis mining, trading etc.
But you are also the one who inspired me to invest into bitconnect. Amazing platform! I am in your downline. My name is danzel40. Just check it out (I think second tier because one of my friends got in just before me).

Check out: Control Finance. I am also investing into that platform. It is a cashcow. My referral:

Keep up the good work. I know I am keeping it up :)

This post received a 2.7% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @thedanzel! For more information, click here!

I missed this bitconnect start because I listened to some youtube guys that were 10000000% sure it was a scam and the funniest thing is they still claim it is a scam. I knew back than that it was total legit page and it still is and I still haven't invested but I will as soon as I get my celery :D

ME TOO man, I fucking hate these assholes who called bitconnect a scam with NO fucking proof! JUST PURE JELOUSY but its ok! Youll make plenty here on steemit if you work hard AND youll still be able to use this story to pronmote it with referal links! theres enough people on erath to allow ALL of us to have al our own referal downlinks! its so lame and retarded that peopel with NO EVIDENCE claim Bitconnect is a ponzi scheme!
THEY SOUND JUST LIKE the peopel who STILL Claim bitcoin is a ponzi scheme!

BITCOIN COMMUNITY IS FULL OF RETARDS man its NOT a marker of inteligence AT ALL theres PLENTY of idiots who are RICH from bitcoin who just think ANY othr way to mke money ththat THEY doint understand MUST be a scam

Now that I see assholes are FLAGGINg @craig-grant for NO REASON i am REALY getting mad and we need to eplose fulltimegeek for flagging a user for NO REASON

WE NEED a steemit COURT system! One where w COUNCIl of dolphins or whales actually unanimously upholds certain decisions to counteract unfair flags


yes it really sucks that fulltimegeek actualy flaggd this to 0 for No rason he should be flgged by a bigger user like @thejohalfiles its really lame that someone would accuse bitconnect of being a scam when its a DECENTRALIZED CRYPTO CURRENCy for fucks sake PURE jelousy by fultimegeek PURE jelousy

LOOk jhere is the fucking BITCONNECT QT WALLET iand im about to MINE some rght now WTF dont they GET about the words DECENTRALIZED CRYPTO CURRENCTY and NUMBER 12 ON COIUNMARKETCAP wtf these people man

Thats really amazing and very explanatory !

That is really great news for some of us who were skeptical about bitconnect promise to release capital investments. I wish you all the best with your future endeavors and I hope bitconnect continue to hold its end and prove to be something that will be around long term and benefit many more people from different parts of the world. Thanks for sharing this with us.

bitconnect still a good investment or to late?

still good, it will go from $120 to $2000 soon, theres only 5 million coins in supply, start mining it download the bitconnect walet and STAKE some, and min! And look peopl should start MININg itra nd showing teh WALET off more so peopl can SEE its a REAL CRYPTO CURRENCY a DECENTRALIZED BL:OCKCHAIn so theyure essentialy hating on All Altcoins and bitcoin every time they hate on bitconnect!

Bitconnect has gone from $1 to 4120 since I joined in march WHY WOULDN't bitconnect make people money?!?!?! See??? sorry its not directed at u just had to get that comment out there! makes me mad that steemit whales would actyually flag this post for no reason

We may see the BCC token price see some downward pressure with the capital releases, but that honestly would be a good sign in my opinion.

nah thats now how it works! There are plenty of other loans for the next YEAR basically! so theres a whole YEAR for the coin to double in value basically! I mean look JUST because they STRUCTURE the priofitsk, because its not wildly volatile and chaotic like bitcoin people think ts too good to be true when no bitcoin makes people even MORE money than bitconnect why dont they call bitcoin a ponzi scheme, Oh i know, because thryr e just SHEEP whop listen to a few people and ASSUME things MUST be a ponzi

I am so glad I follow you to keep up with this. do you ever sleep? Just kidding. Keep working hard, so the rest of us can simply cash in on your hard works, my friend.

where are all the upvotes guys?
Is it just me or..?

Oh a bully known as fulltimegeek flagged @craig-grant for no reason, most likely because he is convinced without ANY evidence that a top 12 crypto currency, the 12th biggest in the world with around 1 billon dollar marketcap, is a scam. Its very sad how ignrant some people at the top of the steemit community are

Steemit Whales are NOT immune to ignorance and bullying

That's what I'm talking about son. Make dat paper. Grind it out.