Ethereum's Proof of Stake Casper Enforcement Pt 2.
Ethereum is planning on making a huge move to Proof of Stake in early 2018 with the Serenity Update.
Here is an explanation of how Casper, Ethereum's Proof of Stake algorithm, enforces its slashing conditions on validators. This is part 2 explaining how the rules of Etheruem's Proof of Stake will work, and the implementations on Ethereum's future.
-For Part 1: Ethereum's Proof of Stake Casper Explanation
If you have any questions or explanation requests please comment below!!
If you want to learn more here are the sources:
-Vitalik Buterin recent post about Casper and Proof of Stake:
- Great Article giving an update of Ethereum's Proof of Stake progress (also has links to Caper White Papers):
-Great Overview about Proof of Stake, Ethereum mining, and Ethereum's Future:
-Ivan's technical explanation of Casper, Ethereum's Proof of Stake:
( Ivan is a programmer coding Casper and knows it best)
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