Bitcoin Drops Over $2,000 As Bitcoin Cash And Altcoins Skyrocket

in #dtube7 years ago

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Anarchast interview with Bitcoin Core Developer, Jimmy Song:


Nope, not gonna happen. Not if BTC can't get these transaction backlog and high transaction fee issues under control.

Why buy BTC anyway? If I have $1K to spend, would I put it in Bitcoin and hope for it to go to $100K (5x increase from here) or would I put it in some $1 alt coin and hope for a 100x increase?

You make real sense.I'm with you. Sold off my btc for steem. Happy now

The thinking is mutual. Bitcoin is only useful for trading purposes, but even so ETH and BNB can do the shit. So why BTC in the first place? Bitcoin is only suitable for noobs who don't understand the game.

Exactly. BTC avg fee $42:


It only went up because of speculation, Coinbase traded for such a short period of time and then locked up due to possible insider trading. What does that mean? Millions of BCH are still locked up that people can not sell and put on the market squeezing the supply of BCH and creating a false increase we are seeing now.

Nope, not buying what your selling.

"Millions of BCH are still locked"

When BCH was below $300 and there were only a handful of wallets that could accept them, there may have not been an incentive to "unlock" them. When BCH hit $2K and most wallets will now translate them, the incentive just got a whole lot greater.

First its Coinbase, soon it will be Bitpay, then the floodgates open!!!

Everything in this space is speculation. We're seeing a massive influx of money into a very small market where few of the investments have established any potential to generate any returns for investors (other than pump/dump).

My expectation: Take profits now and expect a crash. Or hold onto what you got, take the hit, and pray you'll be better off by the end of next year, once this new flood of investors dilutes the power of the legacy investors. Such a tiny amount of the world's wealth is invested in cryptos in December 2017, and I expect to see a rise in value of everything in this space over the next year or two as casual investors enter...

I plan to sell the coins that I don't like and hold the ones I do. Thoughts?

True... I could see this being a ploy to pump up bch, but you have to admit, it does have a future or else coinbase never would have listed it.

The future is now.

getting a coin listed at any exchange is just a money thing those days they want from the devs. a shitload of money for the listing and free coins as a gift. Sure the coin price can develop better with listings on bigger exchanges but don not believe there was a huge money flow into coinbase from BCH before they considered accepting it. There are some nice interviews out there from smaller coins which didnt want to pay millions for the listing.

They probably listed it 1. To get people their bch from august that was promised (and people were raging over) 2. Because some very popular people in the space are pushing for it. Bch doesnt serve more purpose than ltc or dash for example. Besides having the name bitcoin in it i dont vet why people like it so much

Sorry but thats BS. 1: "Millions of BCH are looked up" There are max only 12 Million BCH at all in this world, if 4m lost and 16m minted 2. How you want to know they all want to sell? Look at exchanges around the globe and you see EVERYWHERE the opposite 3. If this increase has ANYTHING to do with Coinbase, why is saw this coming many days ago without even thought about coinbase, just pure from logic?

I hope BCH is worth more than BTC someday... Its the real Bitcoin!

Yes I’m frightened to blink at the moment, cheers

I have feeling that alt coin market change when you release some video. From moment of your video about problems of Btc and solution of Bcc, Btc gone down by 7% and Bcc gone up 40%. You change the market Jeff :D

That's funny. If you think one guy with 17K followers on a minor-league social media network can sway a $650 billion market, then this is a bigger ponzi-scheme than even I had imagined!

17k, only? Ok, well that’s practically zero, everyone on this ‘minor leaguer’ has 17k, so that’s nothing. So you’re saying his twitter and fb and YouTube and all that is void then and his following stops here, thanks for clearing that up! Ps, everyone loves bacon!

Lol that is so true. It's amazing to see how easily it is to manipulate these markets if you are a whale.

That’s the thing, he does away the market. There’s a small handful of people who can and actually do sway the market. By market, I mean us. And by sway, I mean manipulate our opinion. I’ve said it a couple times now but there’s so many of these Bitcoin hater type posts in internet land, I keep repeating myself:
BTC and BCH or bcc, (not to be confused with BitConnect) depending on what exchange you’re on, not to be confused with BCash, that’s yet another piggy back on Bitcoin ...they both take control out of centralized banking hands, right? Coo, just checkin.

Funny choice of words...."piggyback". It implies that Bitcoin is a PIG, which is what it is proving to be! Transaction backlog and excessive fees?

I can't even get my SDB into Bitcoin without waiting 3 days. I'm being told to use ETH, LTC or DOGE. Really??? DOGE???? WTF!!!!!

You know you love bacon, everyone loves bacon.

On a side-note, never underestimate Doge. It's been around for a while and has been battle tested by time. Far more liquid than other shit coins.

the problem in bitcoin is the high fees i spend over 20 dollars for just one transaction.

Yes - Bitcoin sucks at the moment. Hopefully the developers can build something that can keep up with the demand.

Screw Bitcoin and Coinbase both. There are better Cryptocurrencies and sites. Coinbase isn't for the serious investor. It's for then seen by the price pumps every time a new coin is added, lol.

I am a newbie and Binance works like a charm for me.

That is a huge concern. My last transaction was $16, and that was probably two months ago. I saw a video where someone had purchased a tiny amount of BTC, like $20 USD, and paid a $12 fee!! This won't work. Obviously, most are seeing Bitcoin as a store of wealth now, something to buy and hold, which is fine. However, now it looks as though Bitcoin Cash is poised to knock BTC off it's high horse, at least somewhat. People are, of course, free to invest in what they want, but a lot of people may wind up losing a lot of money, over the situation that is unfolding now. I'm thinking that the biggest fortunes from here on out, may very well be made from some of the coins/tokens that are now labeled 'alt.' I don't consider myself to be an expert though, not even close.

I think most people are accepting btc as astore of wealth rather than a daily transaction or small transaction coin. If more users used ltc or another fast coin for daily use im sure btc speeds would increase and fees would be smaller with less congestion. Plus the value of the faster coin of choice would go up

BCH is a strange. I do not believe in this coin.

I'm actually worried about BTCs ability to survive this one. I've never seen the mempool this high. 250k mempool and rising BCH price is a deadly cocktail.

At least steem is up :P

Sound Money - I like that concept. When you don't have anything to lose everything goes down hill. This is so true. I like Jimmy's view.

Bitcoin Cash is derivative of Bitcoin. Why people are investing in Bitcoin cash when Bitcoin is there? I think there is something wrong going on. I hope people will understand it and invest in Bitcoin and it breaks the records. What do you think @dollarvigilante?

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