Why it is ok to not have all of the answers

in #dtube5 years ago (edited)

When it comes to knowing what we are doing, maybe it is ok to not have all of the answers. Maybe we don't know every detail, or have the expertise to do a task...and that is ok.

Recently Stacie D and I have atarted the process of building Inner Blocks into a physical entity. This includes meetings with accountants and attorneys. I have also been pushing myself more spiritually, with prayer and meditation.

With all of these things happening I think it is important to point out that I don't know everything, and I am seeking. Sometimes I feel we get a sense of "we need to know everything". If we knew everything about everything..would we still be seeking or would we feel stuck.

When it comes to life we are animals. We are communal animals and we fit together. When we don't know something, we can be guided by someone who does. The same is true in the other direction. When someone else needs something....maybe we can fill that gap for them.

Be well
~The Yeti

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