RE: Investors Need To Be & Will Be A Key Component To The Success Of Steem
Very correct, risk appetite is a key factor. I think the people that have been able to look deeply into Steem are developers and that is why we see many new things happening. Most big investors are not so tech wise and they rely a lot on feedbacks. If you are a big time investor with no idea of what cryptos really are but want to check up on Steem. Would what you read on the trending page interest you or scare you? Lol. I joined Steem September last year and by October the HF20 hit. I can't tell you how confused I was at first. But having lost some cash on some other cryptos I knew how things roll so I kept pushing forward. Can we really 100% tell an investor who invest $1 mil on steem what will happen after HF21? Those are some of the uncertainties investors don't link. Cheers.