My Opinion About Crypto 2017 vs 2018 | dreamvlog #31 [DTubeDaily]

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

dreamvlog #31 Thumbnail.png

Shout-out to @brainnipper for inspiring me on an awesome late-night chat last Thursday on Discord to do this video. And it seems like I inspired her as well.

Today I'm talking about how my opinion about cryptocurrencies has changed dramatically within a very short time period.
Imagine it's the beginning of December 2017 again and you would have asked me what I think about cryptos… My answer would have probably been something like this:

"Cryptos?! What's this? Oh, you mean Bitcoin? Yeah, of course I've heard about that. But I will never ever invest in something like this. There's no production behind this and the market is way too volatile.
And this is probably just a bubble which is going to burst soon. Because all the people will very soon realize that their Bitcoins are nothing more than useless mathematical results. And that even the cotton my Euros are printed on are worth more than a Bitcoin."

Yes, that is what I would have probably answered. And now look at me. I've become a very active user on this blockchain-based platform in less than two months.
I've started earning some money in cryptocurrency. But what has happened that I changed my opinion so dramatically?

Well, I will tell you in today's video…

I hope you enjoy my content. If you do, make sure to upvote and follow. Don't mind to resteem as well and what's most important…

…live your dream!

▶️ DTube

Okay, that was actually goose bumps! ^^ Strange and exciting feeling to be in a video. ;-) And I feel honoured. But it also makes me thinking about what I do. I guess I will try to be a little bit less critical. It's a fact, that it only can work, when people have faith in it. It would be too bad, when we loose it. Since it's still so independent from states. A revolution going on. The blockchain is something that can change how we think. Not everything is already perfect. But what's my choice? Giving it a chance and being patient now! Steem on! :-)

I like your way of questioning things and making your own thoughts about this platform and being critical at some point. I guess a lot of people may not be interested in some questions like the ones you have as long as they can make some money and the system is working for them.
But the system can only work as long as we believe in the independence and we don’t freak out for example about anti crypto news on tv and in newspapers. This is in my opinion one of the core things everybody on the blockchain should be able to handle. Otherwise governments with destroy it with their propaganda and brainwashing as fast as is came across.

Yeah I think, non idealistic pure speculants are in some way dangerous for the blockchain. They might abuse it and don't pay their taxes and then governments react. Thank you!:-)

They have News on TV??? I guess It's been to long since I've paid attention to it. :)

Yes indeed. The value of any currency is only as good as the faith the users have in its ability to be traded for other goods/services. It's the basis for most all modern currently standards since we are no longer based on the gold standard. Faith is a major component....interestingly enough :)

Exactly! And that was the point where my way of thinking about it has changed. At least it doesn’t matter if you take gold, any fiat, cryptos or even tulip onions as long as people believe in its value.

It's all a faith based system isn't it?

Hahaha, that's quite interesting the way you thought curators spent their own money upvoting. I guess that would make it like Patreon.

I also had an issue with 'where' the money was coming from.

Exactly! I thought it was working in a similar way like Patreon. You change your USD or whatever into steem and then vote with this money.
When curating on the good and popular stuff you would be lucky and get a return for your curation on top and if you voted for the wrong content you would be the unlucky one.
Wait a second... that is actually a pretty good idea... Maybe I should create my own social media platform which will work like this ;)

Love seeing that there are less edits in this, I have always said this but I have really enjoyed your online progression. 🧡

Also I feel like a majority felt like this at the start but as you start to move through you realise that there is a lot more value to what is be creating outside of the just the money. Things only have value because as a collective we choose it to be, even with fiat money, otherwise it's literally just paper.

Yes, absolutely. And even these materialistic values like gold only have this high value because we ascribe it to it. Thank you for you kind words. I’m trying to improve every day :)

Really awesome to hear how you have changed your perspectives on this technology. I think that many people have had reservations just like your's but as you start to do more research and especially when you begin to use the steemit platforms one can really see how much value is in it. Glad you are here with us man! Keep up the amazing content :)

Yeah, and I still hear a lot of people saying “but this isn’t real money”. We should probably just send a link to a video from some of our group members how they used to buy something nice with steem^^

Absolutely a great way to show people that there is true value in it. If you think about it people were saying the same thing about paper currencies when the world was shifting from gold bullion coins and the same doubt existed when we started moving away from paper currency to debit/credit cards. This is just the next transition for currencies and we are so luck to be in when we are. Keep up the great work my friend! Looking forward to when we can do a video chat :)

very good video
bitcoin that drops dramatically

I thought that my fear of a bursting bubble would come true in the end when I saw the massive drop last month but at this point I was already in the game... It was no good time to sell everything again^^

you tell something that worries a lot of people, but it's bigger than an uncertain expectation. a very interesting post.

thank you for the information, you have a sharp thinking in the future, you now get the results @liveyourdream