
Nope this is not Gravity. Gravity sucks the space together not bulging it.

The closest one might hope to be able to demonstrate the effects of gravity with a huge piece of spandex. No 3D movement but still very effective for students in a classroom. I approve…
That said, throwing a bunch of marbles in different directions on a sheet of spandex and waiting untill a dominant direction of rotation is established, in order to say God did not create, is pure fantasy.
The real universe around us is formed with spiral galaxies, which are definitive patterns formed from the substance this spandex experiment is meant to represent.
He might as well say… “See it looks nothing like the universe around us, so therefore God did not create”

pure fantasy
gravity don't exist
the earth is flat
nasa lies
heliocentric model is a masonic lie
open your eyes
do some research

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