
Except that the lords did pay taxes to the king. Far more than commoners did. The last statement is certainly not true. Why would they have more money just because someone else did.

I get that this is supposed to be a dig at conservatives, but I would like it to at least be somewhat factual and make some sense. Not only that but serfdom is a far cry from a free market economy. You can't really compare the two.

It's clearly a rip on trickle down... which says when corporations get tax cuts they create more jobs and pay employees more. Which is crazy.

I would actually say the new economy is a form of Serfdom. No one is supposed to own anything, all assets are hoarded by a small group of people. Everyone simply pays or works for the right to use those assets or make money for themselves using those platforms that are owned by the small group. Uber, Airbnb, apartment and home rentals, these are many forms of serfdom which are dominating more and more sectors of the economy.

The last part not making sense isn't as a result of the meme being problematic, but the logic of trickle down.... lol

the new economy is a form of Serfdom

Buddy, it's always been serfdom. Democracy just made it more palatable.

"It's clearly a rip on trickle down... which says when corporations get tax cuts they create more jobs and pay employees more. Which is crazy."

Exactly they have screamed trickle down forever but the tax code really doesn't matter what matters is how the courts interpret and enforce the new tax code. It can say anything but if it isnt adopted and enforced it really wont do anything good or bad." We The People" seems to be forgotten we are the 99% If we do not like it we need to stand up for our rights. And the taxes are pretty far down on my list compared to how homeland security and "OUR" government remove rights silently and behind the scenes. No one notices or even bats an eye it is just get up work your 40 and take it someone else will stand up for you right? Definitively not it is our time we can change anything "I was following orders" is all I see and here that did not protect war criminals. We have a duty if for nothing else than for our children to draw a line and say NO NOT TODAY OR EVER AGAIN.

Please show the economic theory that pushes "trickle down" economics. "Trickle down" is a made up term that the Left uses to scare people when engaging in tax debates. What economist ever pushed this as a system? The notion that those who have paid more into the system will get the biggest break is not new, or bad. Even when those in the lower income brackets will see a decrease in taxes, why should they envy someone who has paid more, also receiving a decrease?

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