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RE: Are We Losing Our Will To Empathize?

in #dtube7 years ago

I think that there's a relationship between lack of empathy for others and the pinnacle of the 'self' that came about as a consequence of helicopter parenting and lack of community ties. We were raised to look out for ourselves first, learned that it's perfectly acceptable and normal not to befriend or even know your neighbors, and were told if we followed certain guidelines you would be 'taken care of' which often isn't the case.

At the same time there's a social hierarchy of disrespect and abuse that is deemed acceptable towards anyone in a lower financial standing, job type, or certain belief systems.

I love my parents, and I know raising humans is hard, messy and complicated. But the baby-boomer generation over protected and coddled their offspring, all the while telling us how good we have it, while also terrifying us about stranger danger and the increased crime and violence since their own childhoods.

Add that we have to worry about getting clean food (gyphostates are poison) and water, resistant super-bugs, the ocean loosing oxygen and possibly suffocating in plastic, inherited trauma, and the general economic and political state of the world, it's amazing we're not all depressed and addicted to opiates. . . oh wait . . .

That being said, it's empathy that brings us together and helps us overcome our own egos in order to collaborate on solutions. Sorry for the rant! I always enjoy WeAreChange, keep up the good work!