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RE: Video from Wuhan, China, of Coronavirus outbreak

in #dtube5 years ago

Would be interesting to know why the Chinese doctor and her team had their security clearance revoked at the Canadian lab. One can only speculate, I think the article stated that breach in policy/protocol. The existence of the Chinese level 4 lab in Wuhan definitely is concerning.
I hadn't seen most of these videos, thanks for putting this together ED!


yeah, that would be interesting to know alright. Seems the Washington post is talking about two labs there - which is also interesting also - they would be close to all the animals they needed for testing etc., with the local black market there where you can buy anything you want, only 8 miles away:

This is one of the best videos I've come across on the outbreak in China. These expats have been making videos from Shenzhen for years, speak Chinese, are plugged into Chinese social media and are providing on the ground accounts about the current situation.

A few quick takeaways from this stream:

-Many more cases than is being reported by officials and media
-Doctors are not properly equipped with proper masks
-Officials local and national all playing down the severity
-Slow to react CCP likely to blame local government as scapegoats
-Washing hands with soap is not common practice, generally soap is uncommon in bathrooms
-Wet markets are an issue that should be addressed
-Basic hygiene standards need to be addressed
-After 56 cases confirmed by officials, a group of Chinese people 7km from ground-zero in Wuhan attempted to break the world record for the biggest dinner banquet.

Definitely give this a view.

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Thanks for this, I watched the entire thing - I had watched some of his content in the past, but it was mainly about censorship in China - I had not seen him in a while so it was great to get this video to look at - I did not know that about "not washing hands" and it was interesting how he had to teach even doctors in China things like " changing clothes" etc., and things like that - thanks for this, going to cite a bit of things in my video when i get back - Also just a note, the news is now saying - that 5 million left Wuhan for the New Year, so like half the city - so we will see i guess in about just over a week the effects of that. Thanks for the vid!

The Chinese gov need to help themselves by being honest about the state of play and call in help if need be. It seems things could go pear-shaped rather quickly if not.

Good to see you kicking around V, a Happy New Year to you.

Happy New Year Asher, I'm still kicking... hope to get back to posting one of these days too.

The situation in China is hard to comprehend, a country that can be so advanced in many ways and so behind in others. There's a lot of talk about bio-weapons and companies patenting vaccines for certain strains of viruses hoping to cash in (I've written about this years ago) - disturbing to say the least. I just hope they get the outbreak under control soon, it's in everyone's best interest.
...I should's in almost everyone's best interest. Cough, cough - vaccine corps - cough.

Seems to be someone waiting to cash in at every turn. Might be worth bringing those oldies up to date in light of what's happening at present?

Have a good week, the grind starts in an hour for me :)
