DTUBE SNAP @enjoyinglife Contest

in #dtubesnap6 years ago (edited)

@enjoyinglife contest for creative snap. I'm aiming for the what the f@%k factor.

Here is the contest link:

Song "Gina" by @maneki-neko and @drkent

I also sampled @kenanqhd all for fun.

I hope you get a little joy from this. If not then I apologize for wasting a minute of your life.

Tim O'Dell

▶️ DTube

Be confident that no one's minute got wasted. This is amazing work and the best snap I've seen until now...

I'm gonna curate at 15th minute with 100% upvote

Cheers brother and gl in the competition!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks man. It's a cool idea and I hope a lot of people go all out.

Would you mind sharing link to my contest in the description?

will do.

Bahahaha! Best video yet. Loved the dancing! I really enjoyed watching this one!

You don't know how glad I am to read this. I did the dance that I performed at our wedding reception. :)

Wow what a Snap!

Thanks for watching it.

Also the best DTubeSnap I have ever seen! Great work man. I love the stop n go animation! Well done, subscribed, 100% vote.

Thank you. This was my first time with the stop and go. Freddie gave me fits trying to get him to stay up.

Lol I bet, he looked awkward to stand up. Also good Guy Fawkes Mask clip. Are you new here? If so welcome man.

Posted using Partiko Android

I bought that mask for a Halloween 5k about 2 years ago. I couldn't breath in it. It's been a little over nine months since I joined but I'll still accept the welcome. Thanks. :)

Well done


Haha wonderful snap bro. U just need to teach me on the editing part bro. Probably we can do a video conferencing one day. Love it! Good luck and hope you win!

Posted using Partiko iOS

We can do that. Did you get a chance to try out resolve. I think the hardest part is figure out what you want to do in the edit. Then it's much easier figuring out how to do it.

I have not download it. Too tight schedule between work, family and steemit. I guessed I will need to download it first to experience it.

This is good, I don't think I have a talent lol

Thanks. I'm sure you have a talent. Probably many. Cheers.

Hahaha this is the best snap I've seen so far hahaha. Really great work man!!!

Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. I've been trying to get goofy again.

Hahaha! Nobody cares! :-) Nice shot!

Posted using Partiko Android

Wooow, this is the next level of #dtubesnap. I don't think I can create such a cool video like this.

Thank you. I appreciate your compliments. Create what you enjoy and you can't go wrong. Cheers.

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