The Economy Is Imploding So Quickly That It's Time To Think About Preparing - Episode 1295a

in #economy7 years ago

ADP employment surges despite Challenger reporting a 71% jump in job cuts. Radio Shack, Michael Kors and many other retailers are closing a vast amount of stores. One bank make a forecast and says that a quarter of the malls will close.More stores are slated to close, this is the retail apocalypse. GM reports that their inventories are at the level right before the 2008 crisis. Ford reports fleet sales are down by 15%. US construction spending is down & manufacturing is down.Many of the economic indicators are reporting that we are head towards a major collapse. Soros admit the EU is trouble and the Trump administration is hostile.


Should cryptos be part of the preparation?

I believe so, yes. It's the entire fiat money system at stake here. All paper assets are going to collapse. I'm all in silver, cryptos and real estate. Stay away from those silver/gold derivatives as well, they're paper assets too. And for God's sake, store your crypto in an offline wallet, not on an exchange.

I am new with crypto, how do we make it offline? I thought it's an online thing

Its only a matter of time!!keep preparing and buy silver

I've been ready since 2012 hahahahah
Stack some more by a long and slow dollar cost average buying though, (silver)
But please. Let it come .............................

Thank you Dave for all you do, You have been keeping us informed, I think time to prepare is running out,

Hope so that you are right.. But i think and feel so too . And this time i actually think i feel right. Haha

This is why I have so much sceptisism in crypto currency. I believe this crash is coming and then what? The major players are buying Gold And Silver for a reason. I'm all about investing into these crypto coins and platforms, but if government Jumps in and regulates it, then what?
Let's say they regulate the internet watch every move you make, which they already do, then like he said , what happened in cypress happens everywhere, you wake up one morning and you have no internet access to your crypto currency or access to your ATM?
I still say jump in and get some, but I HAVE to agree 100%, It's like the paper Comex price manipulation of Gold and Silver. It can crash but having REAL physical metals is worth more than cyber type currency.
I know we're already in a cyber currency with the fact most people use it everyday without even realizing it with their debit cards.
But what happened in cypress can happen with all cyber currency, gone and then what do you have if not something physical in hand?
Please post any comments as I'm very interested on other peoples take on this. Thanks......

I think most Americans are starting to see Trump is on their side against the special interests of this world.

Great work Dave. Once we get past the poop that has been heaped on us for decades and we start building a real economy again I hope you keep reporting and posting stuff. I consider you one of the 'Watchmen'

It will take a LONG time to build up the/ a new economy after the next crash ..
Don't believe that dream that it will reach and you just stay in your cabin 2 weeks until the worst is over .. Forget that .. This will last for YEARS.. It will be huge civil unrests ... People will die!!
FYI, its not only the logistic for food and gas that will stop all at ones creating huge mess when people fight about this necessities but A LOT worse than that ....
50 million of the US population is SSRI and other depression drug addicts ... On the hard stuff .. The ones you never wanna be without because you get murder plans to find a solution .....
Well.. 50 million of these depressed addicts will be standing there without their prescribed drugs ..
Standing and standing.. They will go out on hunt.. And by now.. After not have taken any pill for a few days.. Its walking killing machines made of dynamite prepared to do anything yo get their dose... And this is not heroin that you're ok from after 1-2 weeks.. These tings will take 2-3 months for just being "ok" and by then you are happy if your still alive.
And this is only the most obvious consequences from a infrastructure shut down ........';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Make sure you're prepared..Water, Food, gas, medicin (colloidal silver) and a place to stay outside the city ............

You're right, and its not just anti depressants. My grandmother's health is completely regulated by the medicines she takes. She literally cannot live without it anymore, shes been on it for so long. People will die from coming off their regularly prescribed stuff as well.

When it's going down I have to be there to protect the weak, when it hits the bottom I have be there to help rebuild it right. No hiding in a cabin for me

I'm prepped! Long time subber of yours over at YT. Glad to find you here on SteemIt

Amen, Zach! Love your channel as well. :)

shoulda been preppin' for like 10 years

Keep poking the Panda and they'll reveal their true gold holding reserves....
China urges US to pull THAADs out of South Korea after secretive deployment


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