in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

Welcome one and all to the event of the Summer! For many months I have been considering a breakout contest where I could expand my circle of followers and my connections here upon the blockchain. I started with the Pander to Me! contest and even a secret contest rewarding the best commenters.

I want to connect with you all as I continue to open my soul onto the Steem Blockchain!

¡Bienvenidos todos y cada uno al evento del verano! Durante muchos meses he estado considerando un explosivo concurso donde podría expandir mi círculo de seguidores y mis conexiones aquí en este blockchain. Empecé con el concurso de Pander to Me!) e incluso un concurso secreto premiando a los mejores comentaristas.

¡Quiero conectarme con todos ustedes mientras continúo abriendo mi alma en Steem Blockchain!

Reach for your Goals!.jpg
Reach for your Dreams on Steem!

Since the last contest, I have selected the six best comments, comments that made me laugh, smile and think, and have rewarded them with a share in Steem Basic Income, currently one of my favorite upvote projects on the platform.

Desde el último concurso, he seleccionado los seis mejores comentarios, comentarios que me hicieron reír, sonreír y/o pensar, y los he recompensado con una acción en Steem Basic Income, actualmente uno de mis proyectos preferidos en la plataforma.

Here's a screen shot of that:

Miramos un pantallazo de eso:

Proof of comment-enrollment.png
If you want to enroll in SBI, make sure you inclued the @ symbol with your nominees in the memo

Keep participating with me by commenting on my articles, and I will continue to award the best comments with upvotes for life from @steembasicincome!

Sigue participando conmigo, comentando mis artículos, y continuaré premiando los mejores comentarios con votaciones por vida de @steembasicincome.

Alex and Ledis divder.png

What is Steem Basic Income?

From their site:

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

I was lucky enough to find @steembasicincome in it's early stages, and loved it's format that requires nominating others in order to get votes yourself. I believe that this mechanism does a lot to prevent much of the 'self-voting' tendencies seen on the rest of the platform.


Steem Basic Income es un experimento social para aportar un ingreso básico a tantos Steemianos como sea posible. Los miembros se unen patrocinando a otros en el programa. Steem Basic Income se entrega mediante la provisión regular de votos al contenido de los miembros.

Yo tuve la suerte de encontrar @steembasicincome en su primera etapa, y me encantó su formato que requiere nominar a otros para poder obtener los votos uno mismo. Creo que este mecanismo hace mucho para evitar tantas de las tendencias de 'autovotación' vistas en el resto de la plataforma.

Alex and Ledis divder.png

Let's get to the contest already!

I have selected three amazing situations where animals on our farm seem to be making human-like faces. Your job is to make me laugh using these images. Add a caption, make it a meme, or even make your very own piece of art!

There are no requirements except to add your entry as a comment. Participants may enter as many times as they want.

Let's take a look at the pics!

He seleccionado tres situaciones sorprendentes en que los animales de nuestra finca parecen estar haciendo caras humanas. Tu trabajo es hacerme reír usando estas imágenes. ¡Escribe en el foto, hazlo un meme o incluso crea tu propia obra de arte!

No hay requisitos, solo agregue su entrada como comentario. Los participantes pueden ingresar cuantas veces quieran.

¡Miramos a las fotos!


Check out this chivalrous rooster standing in a box!

¡Mira este gallardo gallo parado en una caja!

Alex and Ledis divder.png


What would two sheep say while eating grass all day?

¿Qué dirían dos ovejas mientras comían hierba todo el día?

Alex and Ledis divder.png


Cheeky dogs probably would say something funny if they could talk!

¡Los perros descarados dirían algo gracioso si pudieran hablar!

Alex and Ledis divder.png

With three great options here I hope to see lots of entries over the next week. Now let's talk about prizes:


I have committed 50 steem to Steem Basic Income shares as prizes. The distribution is as follows.

7 SBI - Grand Prize Winner in each category (Rooster, Sheep and Dogs)
3 SBI - Runners up in each category
20 SBI - Wildcard Prizes, great comments, memorable efforts


7 SBI - Ganador del Gran Premio en cada categoría (Gallo, Ovejos y Perros)
3 SBI - Subcampeones en cada categoría
20 SBI - Premios Wildcard, excelentes comentarios, esfuerzos memorables

I can't wait to see some great farm humor from you guys! See you in the comments!

Anhelo ver el gran humor de granja de todos ustedes! ¡Nos vemos en los comentarios!


Well done, great post
Thanks for sharing your words with us, I liked it..

Oh! no había pensado en esta forma de escribir un post en dos idiomas! jajaja que interesante las cosas que uno tiene a la vista y no nos damos cuenta.

¡Y me parece que esta funcionando! ¡Estoy comunicando con dos audiencias al mismo tiempo! Bendiciones ;p

Hello @ecoinstant. Could you recommend some sites where I can use to generate memes. I wanna participate but I am more on the technologically challenged side.

Yes! I can recommend imgflip in a browser and I can also recommend MS Paint, which comes with most versions of windows on a computer.

Please chime in all meme makers! What tools do you use?! is also a good option, where you can make gif memes out of videos as well.

Thanks for organising this. My 1st entry
boxing day.jpg

concurso 1.jpg

Hola @ecoinstant encantada de saludarte.
Me encantó tu propuesta y quise participar con la fusión de las tres imágenes que presentaste.
Espero la disfruten.
Reciban un gran abrazo!

Hello @ecoinstant delighted to say hello to you.
I loved your proposal and wanted to participate with the fusion of the three images you presented.
I hope you enjoy it.
Receive a big hug!

La Granja Concurso.jpg

¡Severo trabajo! ¡Quedo impresionado con su manipulación!

Gracias por la oportunidad @ecoinstant
Abrazos y éxitos!

Thank you for the opportunity @ecoinstant
Hugs and successes!


The reason that the grass is greener is because the slope is steeper.


hello, holita by here I leave my entrance to the contest






i like this mate, i'm on it.
I will come up with something great

Make it great!

i will, thanks for the challenge, have a great day

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