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RE: The Elephant in the Room: Ancient Wisdom Meets Human Invasion in Northern Thailand

in #ecotrain4 years ago

I remember hearing a tragic story about a group of elephants that kept falling off of a cliff in a nature reserve north of Bangkok I think. That was so tragic.

The Thai elephants are cursed with being a bit too friendly I think and I have noticed in the one year that I have lived here that there seems to be a movement to step away from riding on them, which is wonderful.

Like most people, I had no idea about the brutal treatment these wonderful creatures faced when being "broken" in order to allow people to ride on their backs all day.

You have been here a long time so you probably know more about it than I do but it was just heartbreaking when it was pointed out to me. Hopefully the visitors to this country shun that sort of business as it is animal cruelty to the highest degree!


The tourism of riding and elephant shows IS brutal and unacceptable under any circumstances. The elephants you refer to who "kept falling off cliffs" are referred to in the 2nd half of my post - it is NOT an accident or unlucky coincidence. :( Thai elephants aren't born that friendly - they learn it in their "breaking" process as a coping strategy for being fed. It is all too tragic.

Thankfully the tide IS turning towards no-ride-no-feed-no-bathe-no-contact sanctuaries. But few selfies to be had and hard to make that pay - the elephants eat simply phenomenal amounts.

Appreciate your comments. :)

ah, i see it now in the 2nd part of the article. I didn't realize that was the reason they had fallen. So sad.

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