Disruptive Students : Handling Them With Care

in #education7 years ago

What should be done with disruptive students? We often call as naughty students. They are regarded as the trouble makers in the class, but wait...! The naughty does not mean they know nothing about subject that we teach. The naughty has become natural behavior for school age children. They are on the phase of seeking attention or attention seekers who might seem the disruptive behavior during the learning process, in no matter they are trying to get a laugh from other students in the classroom. We surely may feel their attitude is quite disturbed but that is not always the case. We may find some tricks to overturn their disruptive behavior and keep the learning process moving as good as possible. It may take a serious effort to prevent this disruptive behavior in the class.


In the middle of dealing with naughty students, we are tested with patience. Here, we must be acting the real teacher and showing them our gently side. We must calm when we warn our students, shouting out will create a new problem within you and student. Before dealing with this such of student, make sure we know his real character so that we can make them comfortable talking with us. Any students who feel embarrassed when such of these issues are discussed, so if possible talk with them privately. Definitely, we were equipped with particular skill to handle this problem to particular student. A chance to fix this behavior become our daily job at school. So, we need several techniques to apply to these students.


Behavior Contract

When we find the serious case of naughty students, we sometime lose our control to remind them stop acting like that. Talking with them is enough to decrease their misbehavior. It come all the way that they still ignore our command or our advice. Their peers are felt uncomfortable with their naughty friend that may cause ineffective teaching learning. We know who cause it. So, we must call out to private room and make a behavior contract with the consequences if they repeatedly disturb the class.

Use Non Verbal Cues

When we find out the student begin to show their naughtiness. We may start with serious action to make eye contact to have his/her attention without involving whole class students. Trying to not embarrass them in front of their peer. If these students still disturb the class. Eyes contact is not working, call them in front of the class as the last way we make them calm.

Use Authoritative Statements

Normally, the naughty students are not just once accepted our remark. They still continue doing this act and definitely make us lose the patience, but we have to control as much as possible. We may not show our anger to our student if want them change. Our emotional control is a pattern of stirring the class and a supreme behavior of teacher. We must find the right way to use the statement that we are not drawn into argument with disruptive students. Avoiding to shout out that may cause a small altercation and will further create the disturbing teaching-learning process. We must come with simply statement "Please respect your friend and continue working quietly."

Discuss this Issue with our College

In order to stop this behavior, we may need our partner help. We usually discuss with counselling teachers and encourage them to see the real problem during teaching learning. This technique we use if we unsure of what else to do if the behaviors have escalated, but before we ask our partner help, we must make sure we have some documentation to give and showing them what have been dealing with.


Call their Parents

Teacher can not work alone, in directing student to have good behavior we must conduct a conference with their parents if we found their behavior still unchanged. Again, we need a valid data such as time, date, day and action that we have taken. These proofs show our seriousness dealing with their kids and as the expectation that this situation will be no longer happened.


Naughty students are regarded as attention seekers and some of them may be overreacted that need our immediate response. As the teacher we have been trained to breakdown this case to let our classroom management work on our plan. In doing so, we must be capable of understanding logic and reason why they become disruptive students or annoying behavior. We also need know much information about their background so we can easily identify the major cause that influence their behavior. As a teacher, it has become our professional activity to support student learning while giving good care to whole student but these students strongly need our special care.



This is a very educated writing. As a father and teacher I concern about my own children and others who being disruptive either to another children or to the teachers. Based on my experience... the best way to handle the disruptive kids is by providing them a strong religious teachings both at home and at school. Great article @abduhawab. Upvoted !

thank you very much @alzamna, that is lovely adding...

Some naughty student is brilliant .After all Control them very difficult.

naughty is brilliant, they just need our support and education...

mantap bang @abduhawab
salam sukses

Betul bg @abduhawab, mereka hanya butuh perhatian yg cukup. MESKIPUN, beda anak beda kecukupannya.
Yang perlu kita perhatikan dalam menangani anak2 seperti ini yakni tindakan yg tidak perlu menjatuhkan wibawa guru dan tidak pula memanjakan anak. Salam pendidik.

ya, kita tentu sudah paham tentu karakterisktik anak. tinggal kita arahkan mereka dengan cara yang baik

I really agree with the formula that @abduhawab apply this, naughty, does not mean they are not smart, maybe it's their innate from birth. we as their mentors, learn their character first, then we try to slowly understand them, and invite them with a better understanding, for their better future, being patient is the most effective way to make a naughty student turn out to be good , I believe one thing, gentleness and patience in educating will give positive results for naughty students, because of soft tones, will be easy to enter and absorbed by one's mind, success is always to pack our great teacher @abduhawab

wow...that is lovely adding, and you know much about educational stuff. thank you!

hehe, not too bang, I so much know because often read his writings @abduhawab good, and full of inspiration, I love to read your writing, because make the brain so smart, thanks our brilliant senior brother


Sepertinya saya harus segera menerapkan pembelajaran seperti pak @abduhawab yang selalu sukses dalam menangani berbagai kasus dan permasalahan anak didik, patut dicontoh sekaligus diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari - hari, dan garis start itu ada di dalam rumah kita masing - masing ( kita mulai dalam keluarga dulu) itu asumsi saya, maaf kalau tidak tepat sasaran dengan paparan master @abduhawab

tidak ada yang salah. terima kasih telah menambahkan.

Very good post steemiteducation from @abduhawab. Thank you. Greeting KSI

For me your ability to handle disruptive students begins with day one, before you ever get to the bad days. You need to if at all possible build connections with your students. Especially with those high risk students who are having a difficult time in school. Often their disruptive behaviour comes from other struggles in the class either academically or socially. The better the connection you have with them the more likely you will be able to manage the behaviour. Not always perfect but a good start.

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