SJP's are coming for you

in #education8 years ago

"I think people that go into academia go into academia to avoid the absolute nature of reality." ~Jordan Peterson~

This comment wasn't used to point out absurdity or irony of academia. This comment was instituted into his introduction during a speech on nuclear weapons and their power called Tragedy and Evil. The only irony intended was for his audience to see how ironic it was that he study a subject of evil in its nature of reality as opposed to studying theory of sciences and philosophy, a more common theme among academics, but living within the bubble of academia and theoretical practice could very well be the reason behind youth in universities complete detachment from reality. Professors within academia have very little life experience. They live within this bubble of theory, and as their tenure drags on so do their theoretical thoughts and projections. The deficit of reality in their minds allows them to project their theoretical intrigues upon the impressionable youth they are entrusted to educate and mold.

The world we live in is such that today's youth have become more easily molded. Society is in a stage that enshrines broken homes, and designed to ensure both parents work. With both parents out of the home for extended periods of time child rearing is taken up by the state out of necessity. (By design or not is irrelevant.) And the education system has depleted to state that intelligence isn't measured by comprehension or critical thought, but by how much information children can memorize like rats maneuvering a maze (a tactic that leaves already impressionable minds more impressionable than ever). Different points of view are shunned, questions are mocked, and submission to the state sponsored educational system is rewarded. It's a factory, and the faculty acts as impoverished employees simply working the assembly line. Such a system perfectly sets the stage for the Cultural Marxist environment you see today. Social Justice Princesses and racist organizations terrorize society rewarding those that claim victimhood, and demonize hard work. Minorities are setting consensus, and any dissent is bigoted. Critical thinking youth attempting to engage their minds are silenced; imprisoned and isolated in mental concentration camps, and this savage illogical reasoning that backs the theoretical post gender ultra racist society these higher educational facilities have implanted into the brains of many has begun to overflow into society. It will not be long before these corrosive oppressive thought surveyors will take to positions of power in government and business, and there will be policing of words through force rather than shaming.

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