in #educativesteem7 years ago

Sex is interesting and wonderful, when done with the
right person; but until then, it is necessary to keep
our desires in check. In order to control your urge for
sex, these are some of the things you can do:


To control your sexual urges, you must first accept
that there is nothing wrong in wanting sex or thinking
about it. It is a pretty normal phase everyone goes
through, unlike what we have been made to believe by
some societal factors like religion that sex is evil and
having sexual urges is a complete taboo. You have to
know and accept that your sexual desires are just one
of those basic physical needs that seeks to be fulfilled
one way or the other and that we are wired to think
about sex. Once you have accepted this fact and you
strongly wish to put it in check, you can control it.

In order to control your sexual desires, you must know
what it is that actually sets it off. For someone who is
sexually starved, it is easier to be drawn by sexual
innuendoes and signs, making it tough to control your
urges but once you have identified those things that
these feelings, you mind will be alert enough to steer
clear of them. Avoid reading books with x-rated
contents or watch pornographic movies or any form of
object that can stimulate your sexual urges.

Talk to your doctor about your sex drive. An unusually high
sex drive, also known as hypersexuality or nymphomania,
might be the sign of a serious medical condition, such as
bipolar disorder or adrenal cancer. If your doctor suspects you
have a sex addiction, she might refer you to a psychologist or
therapist for treatment. Medications are also available to
reduce your libido.

Consider your reasons for wanting to lower your sex drive. If
you want to control your libido for religious reasons, talk to
your spiritual adviser for assistance. Don't be embarrassed
because he has likely dealt with the issue before. If you are in
a relationship, talk frankly with your partner about mutual
desire or sexual expectations.

Avoid sexual stimulation. Do not view pornography or read
explicit books. Pay attention to your thoughts to see whether
there are specific objects, settings or people that evoke a
sexual response in you, and avoid them as much as possible.

Engage your body in sports, exercise or yoga. Keep your body
busy and active so that you don't feel physically frustrated
from not having sex.

Do not masturbate. If you find yourself becoming aroused,
think of nonsexual images, and try to engage yourself in some
other activity until the feeling passes.

Pursue nonsexual relationships with people. Consider traveling
or taking up a new hobby together to bond with your partner
in different ways. Join clubs or volunteer. You can still have
satisfying relationships without having sex.

STEP 9hands.jpg:
Abstain from alcohol or drugs, especially if you feel they lower
your inhibitions and cause you do something you might regret

There is never any excuse for forcing your sexual urges on
other individuals without their consent, either through physical
power or emotional coercion. If you feel you could become a
danger to someone, remove yourself from the situation
immediately and talk to a counselor as soon as possible.

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