The Critic! (Efed Story)

in #efedding5 years ago

The Chef Signature 2.jpg

We open to an executive five-star restaurant's kitchen as Anthony Craig better known as "The Chef" is hard at work cooking some of his gourmet classics. He slices and dices as he mixes sauces and batters for his creations as if he was born to do this type of work. The other kitchen staff is in awe as they watch him work, they don't dare try and step into his way and touch anything he has started or is working on. The waitresses and waiters don't dare question him on when a dish will be ready or if it is prepared correctly as he would simply go all "Gordan Ramsay" on them. So they simply stand back and allow the master chef to do his work and reap the benefits of what's to come afterward.

Anthony Craig, a simple man with a taste for great food and extreme contact sports, trained in the field of Culinary Arts by one of the greatest chefs in the free world, Chef Gordan Ramsey. I also trained in the arts of Suplex wrestling at Nippon Sports Science University under the tutelage of Keiji Mutoh and Kaz Hayashi. He doesn't do anything halfway or half-assed as he wants to be the best and since he was trained by the best he lives to be the best. So his restaurant staff knows better than to bother him when he's working. Although outside the kitchen he is a fun and wild man to hang out with.

As he finishes the last order of the night a timid young hostess comes into the kitchen slowly approaching "The Chef" as she walks up to him she nervously begins to stutter out a couple of short sentences.

Hostess: Excuse me, sir, sir, there is someone here to see you. Say's he's a critic or something.

The Chef: Your lucky, I have just completed my last entree for the night, run along and let the fellow know I will be right out.

Hostess: Yes, sir, right away.

Anthony Craig starts telling his kitchen staff to get busy cleaning up the restaurant and begin prepping for tomorrow's service as he will be back shortly after he finds out what his guest wants. The kitchen staff jumps right to work not wasting a single minute or movement as they clean up the mess. While the kitchen staff works to get the kitchen back to immaculate condition Anthony Craig heads out to the dining area to meet his guest.

The critic stands next to the hostess station as he waits for "The Chef" Anthony Craig to appear, as he knows he is an extremely busy man and the evening has just slowed down for him. Anthony Craig walks up to the critic and offers his hand as he tells him to follow him to a private table in the back. The two men casually make their way to the table as they have a seat, a waiter quickly knows the routine makes his way over with a drink menu and hands each man one as he politely asks them if they would like a drink. The two men tell the waiter to give them a moment and then come back. Anthony Craig wast no time and instantly looks at the critic and begins to question him.

The Chef: So I have never seen you before so I am taking it your either new to the world of food or your not a food critic. So what's your name and what brings you here to my establishment?

The Critic: Very observant Mr. Craig, no I am not in the Food business but I am a critic a sports critic to be exact. My name is Mathew Wesley and I am an Independent Sports critic.

The Chef: Okay, Mr. Wesley, so how may I help you then? As you can see this is my place of business and it's not a sports bar or arena.

Mathew Wesley: Very funny Mr. Craig, I understand that but I wanted to talk with you in a place where you would be more relaxed and calm. So I came here, I understand you recently signed a wrestling contract to work with the LA: U wrestling promotion is that correct?

The waiter slowly walks back over as he holds his pad and pen in hand ready to take their drink order's, the critic orders a red wine and Anthony Craig orders a coffee black as he motions for the waiter to head on back to the bar.

The Chef: You know something Mr. Wesley a matter of fact, yes I have, I just signed with them on October 10, and it's a very lucrative deal for everyone involved.

Mathew Wesley: When you say very lucrative, by that how lucrative do you mean?

The Chef: It's like his LA: U is one of the hottest places around right now, as you may know, or may not my establishment here is one of the highest-rated five restaurants around. So the owner of LA: U offered me a deal I come work for him he pays me a pretty large sum and I also cater for his company and he pays me an extremely large sum for that and his customers and employees get to enjoy first-class food and first-class matches as well. See it's a win-win deal for everyone involved.

The waiter brings over the two drinks setting them down without disturbing the two men while they are having their meeting.

Mathew Wesley: So Mr. Craig, do you mind if I call you Anthony or Chef?

The Chef: Either one, I'm not a hard man to get along with as long as you show me the proper respect I have earned.

Mathew Wesley: Well Thank you Anthony, so I have seen that another newcomer Davis Reynolds made an open challenge to La: U roster and by what my sources are telling me the LA: U Commissioner Samara Black has placed you and Davis Reynolds in a tables match at the next pay per view "Blood Drive". What are your thoughts on that?

The Chef: Well Wesley, you don't mind me calling you Wesley right? Okay well, Wesley, since I am in a table match with Mr. Reynolds it's a good chance for me to try out a new recipe I have been working on. This recipe calls for a two-thirds cup of pain, a half a cup of submission holds, while I beat and pound my opponent until tender and ready to go through the table.

Mathew Wesley: Sounds like a short and simple recipe Anthony.

Anthony Craig looks around as he takes a drink of his coffee, a patron of his establishment waves to him as she leaves, he waves back and tells her goodbye and thanks for coming. He looks back at the critic and begins to explain a little more to him.

The Chef: Wesley, that's not the whole recipe but as any great chef knows you don't give away all your secrets and I couldn't and wouldn't give away my whole recipe...

The Chef: Just know this that the final course will be to die for.

Mathew Wesley: If you don't mind me saying so this red wine is to die for what is it?

The Chef: Ah Wesley, it's our house wine and it's an Italian wine, it's a Sangiovese. Very nice and favorable wine and will go great with anything I prepare for you.

The waiter comes by placing another cup of black coffee and another glass of red wine in front of the two men as they sit there talking.

Mathew Wesley: Anthony, what are your personal thoughts on your opponent Davis Reynolds? And what makes you think you can beat him?

The Chef: Wesley, them, are questions every critic always ask everyone, I expected more original and harder questions from you. But I will answer your question's. Let's see what do I think about my opponent well I don't think much of him as I don't know him. Now don't get me wrong or take that the wrong way as I'm not being disrespectful.

The Chef: But how can I have any personal thoughts on the man if I have never met him? Yeah, we both have spent time in the UK and overseas he was in Mexico wrestling I was trained in Japan. So we do have that in common I guess, he likes hardcore, I enjoy extreme contact sports that's another thing so I guess you could say when you put them things together along with both of our individual talents and statures it makes for one tasty recipe.

Mathew Wesley: I know your a busy, busy man and you still need to finish closing up for the night and prepare for tomorrow, so I will try to finish up our short interview session.

Anthony Craig nods at the critic as he finishes his second cup of coffee and waves at the water for another.

The Chef: No problem Wesley, continue.

Mathew Wesley: Okay, great Anthony, so what made you decide to go with the "Whip and Shred" for your finishing move?

The Chef: That's simple Wesley, any good dish always has something whipped and shredded in it and when they are together it's a winning combination.

Mathew Wesley: Nice, so let's get a little bit more personal, For a man who is so well trained in both wrestling and in the world of Culinary Arts by such greats. Why would you come out to the ring to a song by Weird Al Yankovic? Isn't that a bit stupid or at the most makes your opponent think you're a joke?

The Chef: Wesley, First off, I grew up listening to his music and I like the song, I'm a cook and my opponents will eat what I serve up. Besides if my opponents take me lightly or think I'm a joke by what I come out to the ring too, then that's their problem, not mine.

As the two men stare at each other talking the waiter brings another cup of coffee and glass of wine and sits them in front of the two men as he walks away.

Mathew Wesley: Okay, Anthony last question do you have anything you would like to say to your opponent and thing I can quote you on?

Anthony Craig places his hand on his chin for a moment as he ponders what he will say next.

The Chef: Sure I will give you something, to quote me on...

Anthony Craig "The Chef"

"Black Dragon when you step into Blood Drive, your stepping into my kitchen, I am the Chef, I run the place and the recipe calls for a lot of pain, for a lot of tables and for a lot of action. So be forwarned in my kitchen only fast-paced, five-star matches are allowed. Do you smell what I'm cooking? "

The critic places his pad and pen up and finishes his drink as he shakes Anthony Craig's hand as the two men stand up and head towards the door. Anthony Craig watches the critic walk out and he turns and heads back into the kitchen so he can finish his work for the day.


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